The Valley of Plastic Part 19

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"It worked," Niall said, inviting himself into our house. "I had my training today," he took of his coat, dropped it on the floor by the door. Andrea rolled her eyes in dissapprovement. "I told the commander, since I know the truth I want to go on the food runs." He sat on my bed, which I was already lying on, picked up my legs and put them over him. My heart fluttered. He seemed unfazed, I got Andrea's wide eyes as Niall continued his news. "Obviously, he tried to disagree, but I won him over," he looked around at us, "ya' know, with my charm." We laughed. 

"What's this about?" Max's head hung down from the bed above - we had completely forgot he was there, he is so quiet. 

"Oh, er nothing, Max don't worry about it." Andrea said, in a way that warmed my heart - she reminded me of my mother. 

"Liars." Max's head flung back up onto his own bed, 

"Don't worry Maximillion, it's just about the two-point-oh-er stuff, they're trying to ship me back out - but I can't have that. Who would play soccer- I mean football- with you?" Niall was stood inbetween the beds, and reached a hand up to shake Max's hair, "speaking of, fancy a game?" Max didn't give Niall a split second to change his mind, and practically did a flip off the bed clean out the door. Niall picked up the football; He'd found it a few days ago in the waste, and smuggled it out - I suppose it's probably classed as contraband - Niall told the soldiers that he had brought it with him when he was told to move out. He's got a talent for getting away with things - I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

"So..." Andrea had clear intention in her voice. I lie my head back on the pillow waiting for what I am sure is about to be a lecture. "You like him don't you?" I raise my head and look at her, with a 'duh' expression. "I think he likes you too. He's sweet, and funny, and lets face it the accent is amazing." We laugh.

"I don't think I'm his type, he hasn't given me any hints that he might like me." I sigh.

"It's because of how shy you are. He doesn't know what to do, or if you even like him..."

"I'm trying, but I just clam up around him," I sit up and swing my legs off the bed resting my head in my hands, my pointy elbows digging into my thighs.

"Yeah, we've noticed," she let out a small chuckle and covered her mouth with her hand. Andrea, was not good at this whole sensitive thing,

"What? What do you mean you've noticed?" I feel sick.

"Amia, he said he liked your Tshirt last night," Max came back in and climbed on the top bunk, after saying he was going to change into his shorts, and he would only be two minutes.

"Yeah, and?" Oh no, I know exactly what she is talking about.

"and you said Happy Birthday!" Andrea erupts into hysterical laughter.

"You heard that?" My eyebrows meet in the middle and point to my hairline as my nose crinkles, in sheer embarrassment. 

"Yes, the walls are made of tin." I don't even know what to say. I let myself fall face first into the pillow - this seems to be becoming a favourite position for me lately, I'm constantly trying to smother myself out of embarrassment. "It's ok, you just need some advice," Oh no, I could feel the sisterly advice brewing, 

"Or you can stop being such a weirdo." Max's head makes another appearance, "I mean really, happy birthday. What's wrong with you?" He jumps on his bunk, whilst shaking our rickety beds with laughter. I yank my pillow out from under my head and throw it onto the top bunk, probably missing him but, never mind. He climbed back down and laughed as he ran out of the door. Somehow he is the little brother I never knew I needed. I sit up and cradle Olivia who was now playing with some wooden blocks on the floor, 

"You don't think I'm weird do you?" At the exact moment I hold her infront of my face she bursts out in hysterical laughter. Brilliant, even a toddler thinks I'm weird.

"Andrea, teach me your ways." I look at my sister, who has a victorious smile across her face, whilst sitting Olivia back at her toys. 

"It's simple, look at me and Matthew, we didn't exactly get off on the best foot - but now, we get on great. That, my dear sister, is the treat them mean to keep them keen technique." I look bewildered. "Mam taught me it when I was about your age, I got my first crush and she told me that boys want what they can't have. So, treat him mean to keep him keen." She winked at me, "Oh, and do something different with your hair once in a while - that ponytail is getting old, like real old." She runs her fingers through her long wavy hair. "Oh, and remember your beautiful and he would be lucky to have you." I roll my eyes and stand up infront of the mirror. I give myself a silent pep-talk. I yank my bobble out of my hair, letting my auburn hair fall to my shoulders.

"Right, I'm going to play football." I say, in a half confident, half shakey voice, turn on my heel and head for the door. 

My pep talk plays on repeat in my head, trying to hold onto every word of Andreas advice. 

I try my best to look cool while playing, and maybe a little cute but it wasn't long before my competitive side took over. Before I knew it, I was red face, nostrils flared and hair sticking up in all of the wrong places. 

"AMIA!" Andrea yelled, she had stood outside the door of the hut whilst Olivia took her nap. I ran over to her, "What the hell are you doing?" 

"Playing football," I panted.

"Yeah, I see that," she touched my sweaty hair, "I think it might be time to stop playing," I look at her confused, "go and look in the mirror." I do, and see that I resemble a tomato with hair, that had been dipped in water. I go back to her, and nodd - she's right, this probably isn't my most attractive moment. 

"I'm gonna help Andrea with Olivia," I yell and scurry inside as quickly as my tired legs would allow. 

Seriously, how do girls even flirt? or get a boyfriend? I'm destined to die alone. 

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