I stood up and walked to the front of the bus, where she was standing. "Thank you, I'm proud of you." She presented me with the trophy and I took it from her hands.

"Thank you Coach."

She nodded, grinning at me and clapped her hands. "One last announcement everyone. Since we won the game, I'm treating everyone to Dairy Queen."

The bus erupted into screams and everyone started celebrating. I was happy as shit on the inside, but played it cool since I had the trophy in my hand and didn't want to look stupid. I went to the back of the bus and sat down with the trophy, staring at Coach as she talked with other teammates. At this moment, I really want her. And I will get her.


Coach and I walked onto the empty bus together. The driver was using the bathroom in the ice cream shop and everyone else was ordering the ice cream they wanted. Coach paid for our ice cream together, since I made the winning shot in the game and just gave Kelly a hundred dollar bill to pay for the rest of the team. I was actually glad I was able to get her alone before we got back to the school. I didn't want to come onto her too strong as I did in her office about a month ago, but be subtle.

"Coach, you want to try some of mine?" I asked referring to the ice cream I was holding. Inside the shop she wasn't for sure if she wanted to go with the cotton candy blizzard or the brownie and cookie dough blizzard. She decided on the latter, while I picked the first choice.

"Mmmm...yeah, let me try it." She said as we walked down the aisle of the bus. Her in front of me, while I lagged behind to get a few peeks in of her ass. She was looking sexy as hell in her all black adidas track suit, with black adidas to match. She even had an adidas cap on that really brought out her facial features, considering the black bowl wig she was wearing that really defined her facial structure and features.

She stopped walking to turn around and I made sure I sped up my pace to get right behind her. When she turned around fully, I was right in her face and she slapped my arm, laughing.

"Stop running up on me like that. I told you about that shit. Making me nervous." She giggled, straightening out her jacket.

"I'm sorry." I smirked. "Here." I said handing out the cup of ice cream to her. I watched as she licked her spoon clean that was dipped inside her cup of ice cream, and take a scoop of my blizzard. When she put it in her mouth she moaned and I bit my lip watching her. It was like she was having a foodgasm or something. Her eyes closed and she started gyrating and making sexual noises.

"Is it good?" I questioned.

"A-ma-zing." She expressed, opening her eyes to look at me.

"You can have some more, here." I said grabbing my spoon and scooping some for her. I pretended like I was about to feed her, but instead pushed the spoon onto her face, slapping her with it and getting ice cream on her.

"Beyoncé!" She screamed.

I started laughing and pushed past her, trying to run. She grabbed onto my waist and pushed me down in one of the seats and grabbed my neck. She took my cup of ice cream and hers and placed them down on another seat.

"I should fuck you up for that. But you'll see tonight." She whispered in my face, centimeters away from my lips. I reached my lips out to hers and kissed her. It was supposed to be a peck, but turned into something more when she refused to let my lips leave from hers. When she finally pulled away, she winked at me and stood up straight.

"My place. You still have the address right?"

I nodded, stunned from the kiss and nervous about going to her place tonight. I might actually get the pussy.

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