Even staying with Zahra in the same room?

Yea... i don't know about that.

"Nah, don't worry mother, in shaa Allah it will be fine, but dad is it necessary for me to live with Zahra in the same room?" I huff as i ask.

My brother shakes his head: "Of course-" My dad starts,

I cut him; "Why don't i just stay at home?"

"Because it's almost an hour and a half drive habibty." My mother says, i roll my eyes: "Plus she's not that bad." She added with a chuckle.

"Yea right." I said.

"In shaa Allah all will be well Norah, and if by any chance you feel uncomfortable, we're just one call away." Says my dad.

"And an hour and a half away." My brother says with a wink.

I nod: "Khair in shaa Allah." I said, and they smiled proudly at me, "In shaa Allah, I love you." My mum says and hug me, my dad and brother joined; "I love you too."


"SALMA!!! OMG!! NO!" I scream while laughing at the same time.

She laughs; "Why not?" She asks.

Salma is my neighbor and my friend, we've known each other since i can remember and she's the most stubborn girl you will ever know.

"Please just don't." I tell her, it's evening and we're walking more like just strolling our quiet neighborhood and talking about all sort of random things, when we saw a dog sleeping and she literally swore to throw a stone at it, What?

In my defense i am scared.

"Okay fine." She giggles and we continue walking.

"So..I'm going to university of London instead." I said and she squeal.

I shake my head at her: "What? I am happy, I'll be going to Manchester and i can visit you almost every weekend."

I smiled; "Yay!! Sleepovers." She laugh, i am sure we're disturbing the neighborhood, but who cares?

Not me.

We continue walking, listening to music, we turn to the other road of the area, and there is the mysterious guy playing basketball in his front porch, he actually made it a basketball court, but with only one basket.

"Assalamu Alaikum Samir." Salma says with a smile, he turn to look at us with a straight face and nod his head; "Wa'alaikis Salaam." He whisper, wallah i almost didn't hear him.

Samir Abdullah aka the mysterious guy, we went to the same high school, same class. That guy is the definition of mystery, he barely talks, he has no friends, i honestly think he is a weird human who only thinks of basketball and his camera.

"I don't get why he is so reserved." Salma says while shaking her head, we already walked past him.

I shrug; "Well, i stoped caring since a long time ago." I said, wallah he only confuse you more.

"I would have made him talk to me if we were in the same class." My friend says, wait, did i mention that she's my junior?

Okay she is, she will be in high school this year tho.

I chuckle: "I doubt."

We walk back to the direction of our homes.

Salma hugs me, when we arrive at her house. "See you tomorrow babes." She says, i hug her back.

"Bye beautiful." I wave at her when we pulled from the hug.

She blush: "Aww, you're beautiful."

I giggle; "You're gorgeous."

She gasp; "That coming from you, wallah i am flattered, I love you." She dramatically emphasize every word, I shake my head at her.

"Oh hush."

"Say you love me back." I laugh, she joined me, "I love you too sis." I blow kisses at her.

She close her eyes and pout, i start video taping her on Snapchat.

We both burst out laughing, walking into our respective homes.


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