|2| Fayth Williams.

Começar do início

They all came out of the car and a heavy silence encircled them. The girl looked toward the both of them,
"Thank you, guys, for coming. We don't have time, Go before your phone starts to ring. you can't be here for long."

They all knows the meaning behind her words and nodded.

Violet looked at her and smiled, and the girl felt her heart stopped. It was so beautiful.

"This is too hard than what I had thought, you are leaving the work and us. And I should be angry at you but here I am," Violet sniffed "crying over you"

Violet opened her arms and the girl went into them willingly.

Red closed her eyes.

Violet Voxon.
A girl with a pure heart and a clear mind. Red has learned a lot of things from Violet.

Noah had introduced her to Violet two years ago.
At first, they both were awkward- not knowing how to treat each other.
But then after months, they both become inseparable

"Hey! You need an invitation card to come!" Violet shouted at Noah.
He flinched but nonetheless came and joined the hug.

The three of them were broken by the world, but because of the support of each other, they never gave up. They were each other's support system. And after like forever they let go of each other.

Noah graciously grabs the face of Red with one hand while wiping the tears with the other.


At that moment, The girl noticed that she was...crying.

"Doll, don't cry." His voice was heavy. "And please take care of yourself. If anything happens then come home immediately and you know," His expression changed. There was a proud look. "You are one of the strongest lassie I have ever seen. So I know, you would do your best in this Academy."

She nodded at him and reassures him with all the assuring words.

Violet grabs her hand, "He is right Red, No one can bully my girl! But be careful Okay?"


"And don't worry about your work here, I'll manage that"

Red looked toward Noah and chuckled. Nonetheless nodded.

"I'll be not with both of you, in that time take care of each other"
Red said while giving a knowing look to Violet. To which she replied with a nod.

She knows she can trust Violet.

With one more forever hug, Noah and Violet left toward the car.

And when they starts the engine Red screamed.


They both looked at Red and smiled.
A smile which was filled with longing and love.
"NO GOODBYES, YOU DUMBO! IT'S TILL WE MEET AGAIN!" they both screamed at the same time.

A promise that Red had forgotten.

We will never say goodbye to each other.

The car left and a long silence was followed.

"I love you," Red whispered.

Red looked around and cleared her tear-stricken face.

The girl was ready to start this journey with a determination,
But she was unknown to the roads of this journey and the darkness of these roads.
Will she be able to deal with new challenges when her own life was at stake?

Her eyes caught the sight of the big gates of Elite Academy and for some unknown reason, the chills went up to her arm. She had to crane her neck to fully view the gates.

Scarlet Love Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora