-----------several years ago-----------

"Choices made in anger...cant be undone." Vrtra says coldly holding Leonite back.
"He ant worth it bud" Ryder adds.
"That punk ass...bastard...." Leonite slurs as he trys to walking away.
Vrtra holding the Titan up steady turns to Ryder "do you know where this guy lives" She asks.
"he crashs at my place...we work together" Ryder answers cheerfully.
"Thought Titans could hold there drink" The warlock giggling.
"Vrtra isnt it?" Ryder asks.
"Yhep...and you are Ryder...the Kingslayer" she emphasizes the end title as the two continue to drag the titan along the street.


"Crimson Phoenix...your presence is requested back at the tower"
A communication comes through.
"Rodger that on are way" Ryder says.
"What...ryder..." Leonite says as Vrtra puts a bowl of fteshly made dumplings in front of him.
"Its okay Leo...i can make you some more..." Vrtra tries to explain before Leo says "dont bother" fitting 4 dumplings into his mouth to the amusement of the others.

Ikora and Zavalas looks over a holo map there faces slightly paled ...this sight sent fear throught the fire team as they walked in.
"Commander Zavala whats wrong" Leonite asks.
Zavala looked over at Ikora who shook her head slightly.
"They need to see it Ikora...especially Vrtra" he says calling the guardians over...on the map appears footage from a ghost feed....
The footage began with a Hunter running through a cavern towards an enclosed room talking to her ghost,"Thats Casper...Junes ghost...what are they doing at the safe house" Vrtra says leaning closer into the map...Ikoras face twisting slightly. The Hunter enters the room filled with other guardians "i got the transmission...is this...." the Hunter was cut off as the heavy doors slam shut and a dark shadow fills the room...the guardians look around in confusion as a figure draped in black appear from the shadows...
"For the vanguards spys...your quite easy to trick" the figur laughs...Dredgen Yor.
Many of the Hidden pipe up firings shots into the dark.
As Yor weald Thor the room falls silent...then screams...so many screams as guardians after guardian are put down in a slaughter...many fight back but Yor fights back with an army of Taken Thralls at his side... Caspers feed focuses on June as she pulls her self away a shot in her leg...as Yor dispatches the other guardians he slowly steps towards the hunter..."tell me ghost...would u speak to your vanguard..." Yor crows placing Thor to the Hunters head..."send my regards to your commander..." He says. "What Commander" June spits...
"Why...my dear old friend... Vrtra-17" and with that he sent a bullet through the hunters skull.
Vrtra steped away from the map in shock, "how....how many" she asks in fear not wanting to know the answer. "More then 1/2" Ikora answers solemnly.
"Ikora...i....i didnt....know" she says crying to her mentor.
"I know" she answers unable to bring herself to look at the exo.
"We believe they got the information for the Hidden when they gave you those hallucination." Zavala says as Vrtra takes a seat from shock Leonite comforting her.
"He has to pay" Vrtra says...
"And he will V" Ryder says holding aces holster.
"As ov now...im authorising the Starfire Protocol" Ikora says..."Vrtra...give the order" .
"Ikora...if we do that...every spy...every position we hold...will be given away" Zavala trys to reason.
"If we dont...more will die...im calling them ALL back into the city" the command in her voice made Zavala back down.
Vrtra looks at Ikora in sadness "Allia...open Alpha 1 coms..." her ghost nods in doing so " Delta omage charlie 1...the beauty of conflict is in the position...from the ground the sky is black as a midnight cat...the stars unable to guide the lost...but from the sky...the fire are that of the stars... Indigo 7 Delta...Starfire in effect." the exo slumps in the chair her hands covering her face...a silents falling over the room.

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