Career Day

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(Peter's POV)

So today was a normal day at school. Nothing much would be going on today, so I take these days as free break days. It happens only once or twice per year that I get a break from working.

You see, today students in Midtown are bringing their parents to school so that they can tell the class about their career and a few things about it. Well, Aunt May would be the closest to my parent, but she's busy with nursing and all that jazz.

So I get a free pass for most of the day to get out of working. Fun.

As I walk through the doors of the school, I glance at other kids parents. The parents seem to be talking to their kid or doing... something with them.

I grip my backback strap tighter and walk a bit quicker down the hall to my locker. Of course, right when I get there, Flash and his dad get in my way.

"Is this the poor kid you were talking about earlier?" His dad sneers. I just look down at my feet, not doing anything about this.

"Yeah, it is. Say hi to my dad, Penis!" Flash said, having a bit of mockery lace his words.

I sigh and open my locker. "Leave me alone, Flash."

"Oh, getting all defensive because you don't have anybody to bring here, now do you?" Flash asked, earning a few snickers from people nearby.

"I'm not in the mood, Flash." I say, getting a bit irritated. I put my stuff in the locker and grab the locker door.

"Why should I listen to you? You're just an idiotic poor kid with no parents, that's what you are." Flash says, crossing his arms.

At this point, Flash is crossing the line. Calling me poor is one thing, but making fun of me because my parents aren't here? What kind of world does he live in?

I slam my locker door so loudly that it echoes through the halls and causes the other lockers to vibrate from the force. Flash and his dad stumble back a bit. I look directly into Flash's eyes and say, "See you in class, Eugene."

I then brush past them and walk to the classroom we'd all be in. Or at least the whole 11th grade. It was the huge science room that we used for events like this where everyone needed to be gathered with each other.

I walked inside and the teacher looked up from his desk. "Peter Parker, you're early. Where's your parent?"

I sigh and walk to a seat in the back and in the corner of the room. "Couldn't make it."

The teacher nods and takes my attendance, not seeming to care why I don't have a parent with me. Whatever, I don't really care either anyway. I just feel really sad for some reason today.

I sit in my seat and put my head on my hands. I look around the classroom with an attempt to find something cool or weird. Of  course only a few people were in the classroom with their parents, sitting next to them and chatting silently with them.

A few minutes later more people arrive and the bell finally rings, signaling the first class period. The rest of the people come in and sit down. Ned sits next to me, of course, and starts whispering to me.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He whispers.

I sigh and whisper back, "Not well."

"That sucks, dude. I'm sorry about, y'know. This." Ned whispers a few moments later.

"Not your fault."

We then go silent and watch as the second parent goes up. And then the next... and the next...

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