I rolled my eyes as she finally went into the bathroom and closed the door. Of course I got her a ticket. This mate of mine.


I went into the bathroom to catch a breather. Did that really just happen? My racing heartbeat said yes.  I looked at myself in the mirror and saw how flush I was. I think that’s a yes too.

Actually, that didn’t mean that it really happened. Maybe I had another dream. Right?

He was actually nice and talked. V didn’t act like the brick wall I’ve been staying with for the past week and a half.

I turned on the water to splash on my face. Hopefully it will help with the redness. I also fixed my hair a little to tuck the curly strands that went astray before walking back out to the room.

“I need a shirt.” Well isn’t he sweet.

“Why didn’t you get one from Nick?”

“Doesn’t fit.” Yeah I should have known that he couldn’t fit his shirts. I sighed as I went out of the room to go to the kitchen.

“Hey mom, we’re going to stay for dinner.”

“Okay hun.”

“Can I borrow the car?” She stopped cooking to look up at me questioningly.

“Well V kinda has no clothes, unless you want him at the table shirtless.” She smirked before she handed me the keys. “We’re eating at 5.”

“I’ll be back before then. Alexandra!! Let’s go!”

She quickly ran into the living room to walk out with me. “Where are we going?”


She just groaned as we pulled off to go to the store. When we finally arrived I knew two things. We were shopping for a very large size and it had to be black.

“So what are we getting?”

“V needs a shirt.”

“Alright.” She ran off to go look for a shirt and I decided to do the same. He usually wears long sleeves. Not exactly the easiest thing to find in southern California but I would try.

After a few minutes I found a long black thermal shirt. I’m sure he would look nice in this.

“Found one!”

Looking at the underarmour shirt she brought, I knew it was his style. Form fitting. But at the same time he was having dinner with my parents for the first time.

“Just get both.”

That was an even better idea. I grabbed both shirts and checked out as we made our way back to the house.

“So what happened with you and V in the room?”

“Nothing.” I didn’t even have to look at her to know she was staring right at me. “Don’t stare. It creeps me out.”

“Why? Because I’m not 6’7” with white eyes and a killer body?” I reached over to slap her arm before returning my other hand back to the steering wheel. “Shut up!”

“Admit it. Something happened. Your brother ran to your room way too quick for it to be nothing.”

Ugh the whole house knew. Maybe dinner wasn’t such a great idea. No. I won’t let V be right.

“We just kissed. That’s it.”

Of course Alexandra was smirking at me the rest of the ride home. “Would you stop already?”

I Can't Be Your Luna, I'm a BetaWhere stories live. Discover now