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Word Count: 462

Two Years Ago:

This is my story. My name is Y/N L/N, and I am 15 years old. I attend Midtown School of Science and Technology, with my best friend Peter Parker. We have known each other since we were 4 years old, and have always been inseparable. And I may be in love with him.  

We tell each other literally everything and are always competing to see who's smarter. I wish we didn't have to go to school, but we have to. I have lived in the apartment building next to Peter my whole life with my single mother. 

My father left before I was born, leaving me only with my angel pendant necklace, I once dreamt it was given to me by an angel, but I know that's not possible. 

Finally one more thing. I am a dancer. I have trained in ballet, pointe, acro, and hip hop my entire life, all I want is to make a difference by dancing. Anyways, here is my story.


My name is Y/N L/N, and I am 17 years old and it has been two years since I've last seen Peter. I went on exchange in Paris in December 2015. Not too long into my exchange program, they offered me an extended program where I would get to travel Europe. But also took a year and a half longer than the original plan. 

When I left for the exchange program, Peter promised to wait for me. But he quickly broke that promise. Shortly before Homecoming, Peter developed a crush on Liz Allen, one of my former best friends. He had basically given up on me and therefore asked her out. Not too long after, she moved away, but our relationship was terminated. 

I came home the December of 2017 to have my heart broken. After a month or two of fighting, we finally forgave each other, but things could never be the same. We were still best friends, but something was missing. Since then I have also become great friends with MJ and better friends with Ned Leeds, and for once in my life, life was good.

Here is a little timeline for you:

One Last Time-December 2015

Civil war summer 2016

Homecoming- fall 2016

Iron Dad-Few weeks after SMH

Infinity war- spring 2018

•Hello everyone! And welcome to Goddess, I have been working on this story for so long and I'm finally publishing it! Hopefully, you've also read One Last TIme, and IronDad, if not that's okay but it helps give a little backstory, it's not overly important. Sorry, this one is so short but I'll try and make the rest of them at least 1000-2000 words long! Thanks for reading and don't forget to comment and vote!•

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