Chapter One: Pilot

639 11 18

Word Count: 1002

The day before the Infinity War started:

It was the last period of the day, my 'favorite' <-not class, English with Mrs.Santiago. We were studying Norse Mythology, it always sort of drew me in, especially knowing that Thor is real. I can't help but feel sorry for Loki, I think that he is just misunderstood. Granted he is the reason my grandparents died, but I know he was being mind-controlled even if no one else believes me. Sadly we were talking about the wrong version where Loki gave birth to a horse. 

I was sitting beside Ned, Peter was behind me, and MJ was behind Ned all together we were in the back corner. Mrs.Santiago was rambling on about how Loki was evil in both versions and yada yada. I just sat there ignoring her while I fidgeted with my necklace. I've had this necklace ever since I was born, I don't know where it came from but my mother said to never take it off. So I never did. Except when Peter and I got stranded that Christmas, so thank goodness I did. <-(read one last time for reference) I used to have dreams of this beautiful angel giving it to me but it's just a dream so who cares?

"Psst, Y/N" Ned whispered as he passed me his phone revealing a stupid meme on the screen. But I gotta admit it was hilarious. Peter peered over my shoulder and he laughed out loud, making me snicker too, which made the whole class turn around to us.

"Is something funny Mr.Parker?" she said as she whipped her head around to see us.

"No mam. Sorry, mam." Peter replied as he sat back down which made me laugh even more.

"Y/N!" she yelled. "Would you mind telling the class what you think is so hilarious?

"Nothing. Sorry, Mrs.S." Once she turned back around I reached over to hand Ned back his phone and it slipped and I dropped it making a huge thump. Peter got down beside me to help as he stood up handing it to me.

"Y/N! Peter! Detention after school!"

"But that's not fair it was my fault, not theirs!" Ned said standing up.

"Would you care to join them Mr.Leeds?"

"No mam."

"Great. Now that that's settled, don't forget to bring your lunch tomorrow, and be here by 8:00!" she said as the bell rang.


Peter and I were sitting in detention reading, or at least that's what the teacher thought we were doing. In reality, we were on our phone's texting, because Mrs.Santiago put us on separate sides of the room. Peter and I had been best friends, almost lovers too, for as long as I can remember, we still are really good friends, but it feels like he's keeping something from me lately. He was busy typing on his phone so I was just sitting there, looking at his beautiful face. His dark brown eyes, his fluffy hair, everything about him is perfect, he'd be the perfect boyfriend. I can't help but still like him. But he ruined that with Liz. Then my phone buzzed, so I picked it up to answer him.

Peter: so meet at my place tomorrow at 7:30, we can walk to the cafe and get something to eat, then Happy will drive us to school. sound good? ;)

Y/N: sounds perfect, I still can't believe your dad is now Tony Stark! and he gave you a personal driver!

Peter: lol yeah, I can't wait, the trip tomorrow is gonna be so amazing! :)

"Okay detentions over, get out!" The gym teacher shouted at us. We walked out smiling, tomorrow was gonna be an amazing day, Peter and I can bond, and then I might reveal my feelings for him.

We walked out to see Happy standing in front of a car. "You got detention again? Peter you've got to get out of this streak. I don't care if there's a valid reason for sometimes, so don't try that crap on me." 

I was kinda concerned as to what Happy meant by a valid reason but I don't really care. I'm sure it's nothing.

"Hey Happy, someones in a great mood." Peter said sarcastically getting into the car, "Hey, Y/N do you need a ride home?"

"Yeah, that would be great thanks," I said as I sat in beside Peter. My mom used to pick me up from school every day until my exchange then she picked up extra hours and can't make it. And I've never met my dad, I don't even know who he is. Once I got out on the road, Peter pulled out his phone and earbuds and we started jamming out together.

Peter's POV

Y/N was beside me perfectly mouthing every word effortlessly to every song I played. She shut her eyes so I carefully observed her gorgeous looks. Gosh, she was so beautiful, her skin was perfect, her hair is so soft, everything about her is perfect. 

Truth be told, I've had a crush on Y/N since 5th grade, we almost dated, and I said I'd wait for her, but I screwed it up with Liz, besides, how could she possibly like me back after that? What if she found out that I am spiderman?

She'd leave in an instant. Tomorrow will be different. We're gonna bond, then at the end when everything's perfect, I'll tell her I love her. Just like I did that Christmas, but maybe not falling off a cliff. Just then we pulled up to her apartment and she looked over to me, ah she's perfect, she hugged me and got out.

"Bye Peter, see you tomorrow."

"Bye Y/N."

•There you have it! Chapter One, don't worry the rest will be longer and the pace picks up a lot right off the bat and hopefully, there will be lots of action! Thank you guys so so so much for actually reading my horrible story don't forget to comment and vote!•

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