Chapter 30: Keep You With Me

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*Had to repost this because some people couldn't access it! Some of you have already read it, but if not I hope you enjoy! Please vote again!*

Due to the time difference between LA and Toronto, my plane finally touches down around 10am. Immediately, mix of dread and fear washes over me. I know that this is what I need to do, but I really don't want to. What if I see Kayden? Or Angela? What if Jeremy wakes up? What will he do? What if Sam wakes up? Will he be mad? What if they don't wake up? Will everyone blame me?

I am almost hyperventilating at this point, the worst possible answer to each of my questions running through my head. Following behind a group of older men in official looking clothes, I exit the plane.

Tears of joy well in my eyes as I catch sight of my best friend.

"Mikayla!" I scream.

"Marriya?" She asks shakily, as if she believes this moment is just her imagination. "Is it really you?"

Tears spilling onto my cheeks, I run forward and wrap my arms around her.

"I've missed you so much," she murmurs.

"I've missed you too."

Several minutes pass before we finally break apart, drying the tears that have fallen.

"Selfie?" I ask, pulling my phone out from my bag.

"Of course," she grins, resting her head on my shoulder.

Both of us making the stupidest faces we can, I snap the picture and upload it to Instagram.

"Marriya_Ratliff: Reunited with the partner in crime ❤️😈 @Mikki_Mouse"

Almost instantly, I get a Twitter notification.

"@Rossr5: I spy a cutie 🙈💕"

"@Marriyar5: @rossr5 don't hit on my friend you creep 😂"

"How have things been going between you guys?" Mikayla asks.

"Perfectly," I admit. "Ross is the most amazing guy I could ever ask for."

"Well if anyone deserves a man like that, it's you."

A feeling of homeliness consumes me as Mikayla's black car comes into view. As much as I hated this place, there were a few things I loved about it m. Unfortunately, one of those things is in the hospital right now because of me.

"It's not your fault, Marriya," she says as if my thoughts are as clear as if I had said the words aloud.

"He wouldn't have gotten into that accident if I hadn't done what I did," I argue.

"He put you in a bad position. You either had to chose him or Ross."

"I chose Ross, and now Sam is going to die."


"Please take me to the hospital. I need to see them," I request.

"There is no point," Mikayla responds. "They won't let anyone who isn't family in."

"I am in a mood right now, and if they want a fight, game on. I'm going in to see them."

Looking impressed, she nods her head and continues driving.

"I'm here to see Samuel Davis and Jeremy Baker," I tell the lady.

"I'm sorry, Dear, but they are not permitted visitors unless they are not immediate family."

"Well permit it then because I flew all the way from Los Angeles, California and I am not leaving until I see them."

"It's okay, Marriya, let's just go," Mikayla says.

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