Chapter 54: Mrs Rydel Ratliff

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Ross' POV

It's 7:55, and all the boys are gathered together on the beach. We've worked insanely hard over the last 12 hours, but I'm proud of the scene around me.
At Rydel's request, we have transformed the beach in front of our house into the perfect spot for a wedding. A large white arch stands tall in the sand; white lights strung through and shining brightly. Approximately twenty feet in front of that lies a makeshift platform for dancing. Along the edges we've strung more white lights; giving it the same gorgeous glow.
To the left of the platform, Ryland's DJ equipment is set up to play the music throughout the night.
"When are they gonna be here?" Rocky whines. "These shorts make my knees look weird."
All four of us Lynch boys are dressed in short sleeve green button up shirts with brown shorts. Ratliff is almost identical; the only difference being his shirt is white.
"Rock, all four of us are wearing the exact same thing," Ryland points out.
"Well if I didn't have a reason to hate this outfit before," he sneers.
"Rydel picked it, so you're going to wear it," Riker retorts.
"Well I'm not I'm not going to like it."
Before anyone has the chance to respond, the distinct sound of a door slamming shut cuts through the air.
"Guys, look!"
In sync, all six of our heads whip around to watch the girls walk towards us. Alana, Emily, Marriya, and Rocky's new girlfriend Natasha are all wearing beautiful pink dresses that end mid thigh. Each of them walk slowly across the street; all clutching a small bouquet of flowers.
After admiring Marriya from head to toe, my gaze drifts to my sister. Rydel's dress is slightly more elegant than the other girls, as well as it being a bright white. Her baby bump is evident through her dress; her smile wider than I've ever seen it before.
Once the girls reach us, we all move into place under the arch. Rydel and Ellington join hands, and the minister begins to speak.
"Love is the reason we are here. Tonight, on January 11, 2015, we celebrate one of life's greatest moments, the joining of two hearts. In marriage we not only say, "I love you today", but also, "I promise to love you for all of our tomorrows." Love is a beautiful thing on its own, and the beauty is only more evident when shared with another.
Ellington and Rydel, in the days ahead of you, there will be perfect times and there will be difficult times, times of joy and times of conflict. Through it all, I ask you to remember this advice:
Never go to bed angry.
Let your love be stronger than your anger.
Always compromise, for it is better to bend than to break.
Believe the best of your each other rather than the worst.
Confide in each other and ask for help when you need it.
Remember that true friendship is the basis for any lasting relationship.
Say "I love you" every single day.
Now, for the vows," he says. "Rydel, you may go first."


Rydel's POV

I open my mouth to speak, but my words catch in my throat. I look into Ellington's eyes, and I am completely captivated by the love and beauty within them. Taking a deep breath, I begin to speak.
"Ellington Lee Ratliff, I love you. I love you now, and I will love you always. You have been such a big part of my life for so long, and I don't ever want to have to live without you. You will always be my first and only choice. I'll always choose you; in a thousand lifetimes, in a thousand worlds. In any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you. I've lost so much in these past few months, but I've gained you and that makes it almost bearable. When I'm with you, I don't care about anyone else and nothing anyone says will change the way I feel about you. I will cherish our friendship, and always be grateful for all the little things you do for me. I promise to love you until the day after forever; thank you for being mine."
Ellington's eyes stare intently into mine, the passion only growing as he begins to speak.
"Rydel Mary Lynch, since the day we first met, I knew you were the one. Yeah, I flirted with other girls, but they didn't mean anything. It has always been you, and it always will be you. If they dusted my heart for fingerprints, they would only find yours. There are 7 billion smiles on this planet, and yours is the only one that leaves me in awe. It is only your eyes that render me speechless, and only your touch that leaves my skin tingling. I wish my mom could be here right now; she would be so proud I was able to get a girl like you. She loved you so much. Our days together might be numbered, but that means nothing. You have my whole heart. You always did, and you always will."
"Now, for the rings," the minister requests.
Marriya steps forward with Ellington's ring, and Ross hands mine to Ell.
"Do you, Rydel Mary Lynch, take Ellington Lee Ratliff as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in rich and in poor, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"
"I do," I whisper as Ratliff slides the diamond onto my left hand.
"And do you, Ellington Lee Ratliff, take Rydel Mary Lynch as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in rich and in poor, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"
"I do," he declares.
Taking his hand in mine, I push the golden band onto his finger.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."
Looking down at me, Ellington's face is captivated with a grin brighter than I've ever seen. Placing his hands on my waist, he pulls me into him. His lips brush against mine multiple times before finally meeting them. Our mouths move slowly together, and in that moment I am lost. I'm not worried about anyone around me, about the cancer, about the baby. I am lost in this seemingly never ending second of pure bliss, and I plan to live in this second for as long as I possibly can.

Ellington eventually pulls away, much to my dismay. He begins to speak in my ear; his warm breath causing my skin to tingle, "Come with me, Mrs. Ratliff, you owe me a dance."


Hey everyone :)

I'm so sorry I haven't updated! This last month has been complete hell for me. 3 of my family members passed away, and my phone decided it wanted to delete all my notes so I've had to restart everything twice :/

I promise the next update will be soon!

Thank you to everyone who has stuck with me up to this point.

All the love, always

~ Hannah xxx

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