Chapter 55: Girls

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Rydel's POV

He leads me to the middle of the dance floor before stopping and putting his arms around me.
"You look absolutely stunning tonight, Mrs. Ratliff," he whispers in my ear.
"Thank you, Mr Ratliff," I grin.
I rest my head in the nape of his neck as we begin to sway together. Honestly, I'm still processing the idea that the man I've loved for as long as I can remember is now my husband. No matter what happens to me now, my baby will grow up knowing they had parents who loved each other eternally. I'm unsure of how long I'll be in my child's life, but I will always live on through Ellington.
Pushing all thought from my mind, I allow myself to be lost in the magic of this moment.
"When you fall asleep tonight just remember that we lay under the same stars
And hey
I know there are some things we need to talk about
And I can't stay
Just let me hold you for a little longer now
And take a piece of my heart
And make it all your own
So when we are apart
You'll never be alone
Never be alone"
His eyes meet mine, and I can see the reflection of the lights shining in them. It's almost completely dark out, giving the beach a beautiful glow.
"Come on, Baby Girl," Ratliff murmurs. "Let's get out of here."


Riker's POV

About half way through Rydel and Ellington's first dance, all the couples pair up and begin to move along with the song. Glancing up, I make awkward eye contact with Emily.
Masking my emotions with a blank face, I walk over to her.
"May I have this dance?" I ask softly.
She smiles softly before replying, "Of course."
Taking her hand, I lead her over to where the rest of the couples are dancing. Wrapping my hands around her waist; I pull her body tight to mine.
"Riker," she murmurs.
"Can we just not talk for a minute, please," I ask.
"But Riker-"
"Emily, I know you're going to leave me again. I don't know why you always do, but I know you will. Please, just give me this one last song, and then I'll move on."
Nodding; she leans in and rests her head on my shoulder. Our bodies sway gently in sync, and I can feel her heart beating faintly against my chest.
"Riker," she whispers. "I'm sorry." "It's okay, Emily," I murmur into her hair.
"You were the best thing that ever happened to me, and now I'm just settling."
"Then why do you have to leave again?"
"I have a new boyfriend, and I can't look at you without regretting everything I gave up."
My feet plant on the floor, and we stop moving.
"You have someone else?" I ask; my voice noticeably a few octaves higher than usual.
"His name is Matthew Walden, and he's a singer I met when my movie tour stopped in Florida.
"There was so many times I tried to take you back, but you wouldn't have me. Can't you see that I'm yours?" I say.
"You deserve so much more than what I can give you, Riker, and I would be selfish to let you settle for me. I'm like a pay cheque, and you're a gold mine. You're going to find your queen, so stop settling for a princess."
Before I can reply, the song fades out. "I'm sorry I made you waste your time," she murmurs.
Leaning in, she brushes her lips against my cheek.
"Have a good life, Riker."
As the song ends, she gives my hand a small squeeze.
I stand frozen in my place as she walks away into the darkness. The lights of her car illuminate the black for only a moment before she speeds off into the night.
I feel an arm wrap around my waist, and I look down to see Marriya rest her head against my shoulder.
"It's going to be alright, Riker."
"Your optimism is refreshing, but very misguided," I reply softly.
"Come on," she urges. "Your sister is leaving."
Slipping her arm though mine, Marriya leads me towards a conversation between Rydel and Ellington.
"Hey, you two," Rydel smiles. "We've got something to tell you guys before we go."
"What's that?" Marriya asks.
"Well, we had an appointment with Doctor Kingston yesterday...," Ellington trails off.
"Aaaaand?" I question impatiently.
For a second, fear flashes through my mind. What if it was more bad news? What if Rydel's gotten worse? What if it's the baby?
After seeing the glow in Rydel's eyes, I know it must be something good this time.
"It's a girl!"
Immediately, Marriya's face lights up. She presses her hands against Rydel's bulging stomach, grinning as she says, "I am so happy for you guys! And we need more girls around here! This whole 2:5 ratio is not working for me anymore."
"Oh, yes, because 3:5 is so much better," I reply sarcastically.
"We're gaining on you guys," she smirks.
"We have another thing," Ellington grins. "We want you two to be the god parents."
As I register what he has just said, I can't fight the smile moulding my lips.
"Of course!" Marriya exclaims. "I would love to!"
"I'm in," I agree.
The four of us stand together; all lost in the momentary bliss of this happy moment.
Before long, Rydel and Ellington excuse themselves from the party in order to begin their honeymoon. We use the term lightly, as, because of medical restrictions, Rydel has to stay in Los Angeles. They're just spending the weekend alone in a nice hotel.
As I watch them drive off, I notice Alana approach us.
"Alana," I smile. "It's been so long."
"Too long," she agrees; pulling me into a hug.
"So how have you been?" I ask.
"I've been good. I'm graduating this year so super busy. What about you?"
Briefly considering my reply, I say, "I've been alright. Can't really complain about living the life I've always dreamed, but it's been tough lately."
Before she can respond, Rocky, Natasha, Ryland, and Ross walk over.
"Hey, babe," Ryland smirks; pulling Alana close.
"Hey yourself," she grins.
As she brings her hand up to his face, I notice a silver ring on her right hand.
"Hey, what's that?" I ask.
"I thought my baby girl deserved a ring," Ryland explains.
"Yes, so he bought me a mood ring," Alana finishes.
"Only the best for you, my love," replies with a smirk.
"He sounds like a dream," Rocky grins.
"Oh, yes, I scored Captain Romance for sure,"she agrees, rolling her eyes. "I have to agree that it is pretty fancy, though. When I'm happy, it turns red. When I'm mad, it leaves a big fucking red mark on his face."
"It was about then that I made the decision to get her a real ring," Ryland laughs.
The conversation dies soon after that; every couple going their separate ways.
I am left alone on the beach, not having anyone to share the night with. I sit in the sand for hours, just watching the waves roll in. Before long, the sun begins to rise over the ocean. Sitting contently, I don't bother moving from my spot. My mind is free of all thoughts; finally able to relax for what feels like the first time in forever. And that's when I get the phone call.


Hey guys! I'm sorry I've been so distant lately. I've just had a ton going on.

So things are about to get interesting, and I hope you all are ready for this. Please give me a vote if you liked it and leave me something to read in the comments.

All the love. Always.
~ Hannah xxx

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