A week past and the reunion

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(your POV)

Okay so let's recap, I used to be a scrawny person with only one arm it was only a couple of days away from losing my legs well the use of my legs at least. But then I got a strange book that teleported me to a different world so far I've noticed that this world is exactly like a VR MMO but not really. You see here I have skills and levels just like you know regular video game but unlike in a video game whenever I kill something it doesn't disappear it stays there like an actual corpse I learned that from when I was training and kill the deer. Speaking of skills I actually found out why I'm called The Destroyer hero thanks to an old woman I met who told me the story of the 4 heroes. Yeah that's right the Destroyer hero isn't a hero in the people's eyes, and that's because unlike the others the Destroyer hero uses skill's from the curse series. When an explosion of emotions equivalent to the destruction of one’s heart is invoked a power stemming from the Curse Series is acquired. The Curse Series is loosely based on the 7 deadly sins Gluttony, Lust, Greed, Wrath, Sloth, Envy, and Pride. And not surprising that when they're used they corrupt the user's heart but not the Destroyer hero because people think that his heart is already corrupted. So far the only ones I have are gluttony, envy, and pride I've got to say they're pretty cool especially gluttony it's very helpful when I want to level up really fast. The skill with gluttony is called Fast Growth basically what it does is the EXP I would get from a monster is doubled or tripled and thanks for that I'm already at level 21.

(I know that's not what the ability actually does. But like I said the Destroyer hero is basically a different case seeing as he's a hero based around sin unlike the other four heroes so pretty much the curse series have nothing but good effects for him)

I heard a knock on my door and I gut up to answer it to see Mordred standing there smiling. Apparently this isn't Jennifer her name is Mordred Pendragon and I have 2 possible theories to what's going. A) this is Jennifer and she was sent to this world just like me but, her memories were somehow erased or B) she's some kind of ancestor.

"Morning (y/n), you ready to start the day on the road?"- Mordred

Their personalities are different cause Mordred is very prideful and haught but some of Jennifer's personality shows depending on what the situation is but I've kind of gotten used to it.

"Yeah sure. Let me just fix my bed."- (y/n)

"No need, cleaning lady will do it!"- Mordred

Mordred grabs my arm and started to drag me along with her. She basically does stuff like this when she wants to go out and have some kind of fun or just to get out. I asked her if she had any more friends but, she only answered with "That's not important." so I just dropped it. Although it is weird that she always hangs out with me and only me, I have made a few friends but not that much. Speaking of I wonder how Naofumi is doing in my world, in fact I wonder how Jennifer is if Mordred isn't really her. It's finally come to my attention that we had stopped and Mordred was looking right at me, oh man how long was I spaced out?

"You doing alright you seem a bit down?"- Mordred

"Yeah, sorry I'm fine Mordred... you don't have to-"- (y/n)

Before I can finish she lightly takes my face in her hands. And her face was angry at first but then it turned into worry.

"(Y/n) please don't lie to me."- Mordred

'Her face, it's just like the one Jennifer always gave me when ever I worried her. And it has the exact same effect as it did with Jennifer. Why, I don't get it I've only known her for a week and I still feel this pain.'- (y/n)

"I'm sorry, Mordred. I promise nothing's wrong I'm just thinking of something is all."- (y/n)

"Do you want to talk about it?"- Mordred

"..No I'm fine."- (y/n)

I gave her a small smile to show her I was telling the truth and I guess she believed me cause she pulled my head down and rested her forehead on mine. This is a little embarrassing and caused me to blush a bit this is new especially for her.

"Uh Mordred..... people are looking."- (y/n)

It took her a minute to realize what she was doing and quickly pushed me away blushing.

"*Blushes* H-hey pal hands off!!"- Mordred

"Me!? Your the one with hands on my face!"- (y/n)

"Awe, a lovers spat in the middle of the street"- old Lady

"We aren't lovers!"- (y/n) & Mordred

Oh yeah I almost forgot to mention something me and Mordred are pretty much traveling together. When she found me I was in some kind of forest and she told me that she was a traveling knight. The kingdom where in now is the kingdom of Melromarc where the 4 heroes where summoned and I've got to say.... I'm a bit shocked to hear about the sheild hero. Apparently he raped the king's daughter, like what the hell I thought the heros where supposed to be good. Not only that but I keep getting weird looks and hearing whispers like "it's the destroyer hero" or "why is he here?" And the one that got me was "he's probably here to cause a wave". Wait I don't get it what the heck does a wave have to do with the Destroyer hero, not to mention my hearings really good now. One of the perks of this new body and I'm guessing Mordred heard a little of it cause she walked over to one of the men and grabbed his collar.

"You mind repeating that you sack of horse shit!?"- Mordred

"S-sorry ma'am!"- person 1

"Mordred stop!"- (y/n)

"No, you didn't even do anything and these people are just being asses!!"- Mordred

"Mordred!"- (y/n)

I quickly grabbed her and pulled her away from the man but, that didn't really help because she's still try to struggle she was still angry. Why is making fun of me buddy her so much, the man however was able to get away safely.

"Let go of me (y/n)!"- Mordred

"No, you need to calm down!"- (y/n)

I didn't want to draw a crowd so I pulled her in an alleyway and try to talk her down it worked but, she was still a little irritated. we walked out of the alley and the first thing that happened was me accidentally running into somebody.

"Oh sorry about....wait.....Naofumi!?"- (y/n)

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