Auditioning and Tips!

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I'm going to tell you the general auditioning progress and some tips for auditioning. There are different types of auditions, Online, Weekly, Monthly, and  Global.  Weekly, monthly, and Global auditions are pretty similar.

Online Auditions

People usually do online auditions if there overseas or cant go to the site auditions. Every company has different requirements for online auditions. Usually, you send a video of what you're auditioning for. You introduce yourself in the video tell them what you're doing and what song. You send them the video through email. Normally all companies require you to fill out a form with basic information like weight, height, address, etc. It's a convenient way to audition but if you're auditioning for a big company you have a less of chance a being accepted cause there be thousands of emails coming there way. But if you make it through, Great! but you most likely have to do more rounds of auditions and most likely have to travel to Korea.

Weekly Auditions

These auditions are normally are in Korea or the Training Center itself. They're great if you're visiting Korea and want to audition. Out of the choices, this may be your best bet. Considering fewer people are auditioning and you're being less compared to. Also, you won't be as rushed since there aren't thousands of people waiting to go next. Of course you probably still have to go through rounds of callbacks. The only problem is the language barrier. Since it's in Korea it's more meant for Koreans. So that means they won't be any translators since there aren't a lot of foreigners coming. So unless you can speak Korean or your in a group and one of the member can translate(and the company is allowing it) your at a lost bet.

Monthly Auditions

These auditions are just the same as weekly auditions abut it happens once a month. They also have the same problems as Weekly Auditions. But some companies do have different locations like SM having a location at LA. So you can go there if you speak English. You can always look at your company's website to see when they're having auditions and where.

Global Auditions

This kind of auditions is what international fans dream to go to. These Auditions are held in different countries and usually in those countries there hold in different cities. It's a great option if you can afford the cost of going to that city than Korea. But there are some consequences. These auditions are packed with the most people. So you're going to be compared by hundreds and thousands of people by the judges. So you have a slim chance. Also plus the fact, you usually have to wait for hours. Some waited 3-5 hours for there turn. These Auditions often happen once a year.

So if you're going to the site for an audition here's the basic progress. Sometimes, depends on the company, they'll have you fill out a form before you go. or they won't let you audition. Some will let you come in and fill out the form in there. The forms are often in Korean. I'm sure some companies have it in other languages like Japanese and English on their website but it depends. Then they give you a number. They take you to a room and you wait. For a long time. Soon they call a group of people and you into the judging room. There are usually three judges. One by one you show them your talent. They say something, you leave. They'll contact you if you made it. You most likely have to go through 1-3 callbacks and then at some point, you'll have to fly to Korea for the head of the company to see you.

Of course, there are other ways like getting scouted or entering a contest and people have been successful like that. But these are the most common ways. To be honest you have fewer chances of being scouted.

Tips for Auditioning

♡ Have confidence, build it up. If you plan to audition in the future, take as many opportunities to build it up. Whether that be saying a speech to class or dancing in public. In school, there was talent show I attended(technically had to go or I would've gotten a low grade) It was a great way to build up my confidence

♡ When your auditioning don't focus on the judge's reactions or other people, focus on the music. Feel the music. If your passionate for singing, dancing or rapping you know that world you get lost in when you doing it? Go back to that same world

♡ If you didn't make it, that's ok! many artists had to try many times before making. Like IU she tried auditioning for JYP dozens of time and was rejected but then she was accepted by Loen.

♡ Also if you didn't make it, reflect what went wrong, how could you improve. If you reflect you'll grow stronger

♡ Of course, you don't need to be the perfect singer or dancer cause remember you to want to become a TRAINEE. So they'll TRAIN you, there looking for POTENTIAL

♡ Try to get out there, make a good public presence. Some people got scouted through the internet and real life. Even though it's less likely, make somewhat an online or public presence

♡ Have a personality, there looking for someone unique and nice, but don't change your personality (unless your mean) 

♡ Lastly, DONT LOOSE HOPE. If you believe in yourself your going to get farther than you think (○゜ε^○)

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