When did THIS Happen

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Error saw this and suddenly froze. The strange thing he was feeling seemed to slightly intensify and he swore his soul beat sped up slightly.

"Clearly you're feeling better if you can be annoying..." Ink mumbled, annoyed.

Then he suddenly froze at realization.

Wait... If he's feeling better, will he remember doing this in the first place, since he was clearly affected by his fever..? Thought the creator. I'm so dead!!! He's going to blame me! He wouldn't attempt to murder me, right? Oh god oh god oh god-

"S-So," Error started, clearly a little confused and flustered. "Wh-what ac-actually happened when I felt like crap..? I-I can't really recall much, due to being so lightheaded. It just seemed to all mash into some fuzzy dream like mess..."

Ink took a deep breath to calm his nerves, his soul beat having had sped up and making him feel like a weight was strapped in his chest.

"O-okay... F-for starters, you're the reason we're in this current situation, you know..? S-second, um... Besides the fact that neither of us have eaten or drank anything in the past two days, not much else happened, th-that's worth noting." Ink explained, deciding it best not to bring up the nicknaming and other cuddle sessions.

Error blinked and thought a second before sitting himself up a little, in a way so the other still mostly lay on him, head resting on his chest.

"You... You haven't eaten either..?" Error asked quietly with sympathy.

He looked down at the creator who lightly shook his head in response.

"They haven't been sending much food- any food lately. Makes me wonder if it deals with what I overheard Dr. WG bring up last time he tested me the day before you fell ill." Ink replied.

"What do you mean by that?" The destroyer asked.

A shameful expression came to the artist's face.

"I... I should've told you my hunch a couple days back, when I got back from doing those strange tests. Then you may have never gotten sick in the first place... It's all my fault..."

"No, it's not!" Error replied. "It wasn't your fault that my immune system couldn't handle some stupid simple cold..."

"I feel it was more than a cold if those scientists ended up sending in medicine, which is why you're feeling better." Ink argued back.

"They... They really sent in medicine..?" Error asked, not really believing it himself.

He saw Ink give a small nod in reply.

It was bad then, wasn't it... The destroyer thought.

"I'm sorry... I really am, I should've told you I didn't trust the food that night three days ago. It's all my fault! You wouldn't have gotten sick. You wouldn't have suffered. It's not fair-"

Ink was suddenly silenced by Error putting a hand over the creator's mouth.

"Calm down... No reason to work yourself up. I'm fine." Error replied. "I'm still breathing aren't I? I'm not a pile of dust. So calm down, please..."

"Okay..." Ink mumbled through the hand placed over his mouth.

"Can you uncover my mouth now..?" Ink mumbled through the other's hand. It was impossible to make out.

"Huh? What was that- oh sorry..."

Error moved his hand off of the other's mouth and brought it back down to his side where it was only moments before.

"So, when are you planning to get off me..?" Error asked.

Ink suddenly froze. He had forgotten about how him and Error were positioned.


Ink didn't know what to do, but he didn't have to decide. Seconds later Error took a hand and lightly shoved the other off of him, causing Ink to roll onto the floor, being slightly choked by the scarf they were sharing, getting tangled around him more.

Ink acted quickly to get it untangled and off from around his neck. He then sat up.

"Error, What the heck!" Ink shouted in complaint.

Error sat himself up all the way.

"What..?" He rhetorically asked, shrugging, a smirk on his face. "You seemed a little broken and in need of a push in the right direction."

Ink rolled his eyes and growled a little in annoyance.

"Stupid glitch face..." Ink mumbled under his breath.

"Huh? Did you say something..?" Error asked, having not heard what the other had said.

"N-nope, nothing at all!" Ink replied nervously. "I didn't say anything."

"Okay then..." The destroyer replied, smiling a bit.

Ink couldn't help but smile as well.

"So, out of curiosity, did... Did I do or say anything stupid when I couldn't think straight..?" Error asked, a little nervous.

"Depends what you consider stupid." Ink replied teasingly.

Error rolled his eyes in reply, his smile never leaving his face.

"I don't suppose you'll tell me..."

"Nope!" Ink replied.

Error playfully shoved the other a little. The creator just seemed to smile more in reply, not falling over. They both then continued to chat for there wasn't much else to do.

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