Chapter One: Woman of Past

Start from the beginning

The paramedics said there was nothing they could do and think she had an allergic reaction to something. I pleaded to the police that something wasn't right here and that she wasn't allergic to anything, but they just brushed me off calling me 'a silly little girl'. Who in there right minds would trust a foster child with anger issues.

I was placed back into the foster care system and continuously moved through miscellaneous villages and towns of England whilst taking my A-Levels. Thats one thing I made sure I would keep up and that was my college work. From my GCSES to my A-Levels I mustered up extremely good grades, education was surprisingly something I had a knack for.

My Eighteenth birthday rolled around. Any normal teenager would be out in the clubs celebrating or even having a party. But I had little friends that were also in the foster care system and in other parts of the country. My one friend Lily travelled down for the weekend to visit me.

She was amazing and one friend I would never let go. We met when I was 10 in a care home. At first we weren't friends because she stole my barbie doll and started to bury her in the sand pit in the garden, so I proceeded to go into the toy shed grabbing a plastic sauce pan from the kitchen walked right up to her and smacked her round the head. I was profusely told off, a week later I was shipped to another foster home. But she pleaded my case, saying she deserved it and that she shouldn't of stolen my barbie doll, I knew then that she was a loyal friend. Our social workers made sure we stayed in contact and once we were old enough for phones we texted each other almost everyday.

The day of my Eighteenth birthday, I was in a council flat paid for by the government. I had just got out the system, still in college I had a month before I finished. Lily was asleep on the sofa bed whilst I was asleep on an air mattress on the floor, the things I do for my friends.

Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door that woke me up.

"Oh fuck off" I groaned, rolling over onto my side.

Another loud knock rattled the apartment.

"It's your fucking apartment, go answer the door" Lily huskily said underneath the duvet.

I tilted my head up glaring at her, mentally strangling her with my eyes.

I clumsily stumbled off my mattress, tiptoeing around the apartment lazily walking to the door.

Another knock echoed from the door.

"I'm bloody coming, Jesus Christ hold your horses" I shouted.

I unlocked the door, opening it to find a tall stranger in a suit, he looked to be in he's 60s. I quickly came out of my trance, shit what have I done now, what has Lillie done now?

"Erm..Hi, can I help you?" I stutter to the man, tiredly wiping my eyes.

He straightens up and adjusts he's tie, extending he's hand towards me.

"Hello I'm Chris Davidson from Davidson & Scott Associates, I'm here to talk to Calypso Sky, I believe she resides here" He expresses.

Yes, that's my name, Calypso Sky. My name basically means Moon in the Sky. I don't know whose sick joke it was to name me that, but that is my name and I'm stuck with it. Okay, so I do know who named me, it was my parents. It's the only thing that they gave me, and even though they abandoned me, I've kept it. If I ever meet them, I want them to look at me and hear my name and see that I did just fine without them and I've moulded and embodied myself into what I love about my name.

However, my name as a whole is strange. Calypso is one of Saturns moons, I've always felt drawn to the moon and different celestial things. That's another thing, celestial is my middle name. My full name being, Calypso Celestial Sky. It's a mouthful, but I just like to be called Caly or Lily likes to call me Soso, she could never pronounce my name when we was younger and that was the first thing she could think of, and Soso is now my adopted name from Lily.

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