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Before I tell you the story about my life and the chaos that unfolded during my twenties, there is some background information that you need to know first.

Mythology, legends, fairy-tales or any sort of bed-time story you heard when growing up, it's real. It's all real.

Before I tell you the story The Elysian Fields, there is some back story to what you need to know of how all these events unfolded. The world above in the heavens and to the ends of the Earth isn't what we know. The legends and stories have been passed down throughout time, filtered and re-told in which none of us know the actual truth. Nothing is as we know.

Everything you learn, hear or see, stems from some sort of truth. So when I tell you that mythology, the gods and goddesses, witches, vampires, wolves, fairies are real. It's the truth, but not the version that you know. Not from the story books, the tv shows or the mythical legends. It's a whole lot more crazy than that. I'm speaking from experience, I know it sounds crazy. It is crazy, and I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. However, in order for you to understand this story, my story, you need to know the history of how it happened.

I wish someone had told me the whole story, but that wouldn't be any fun would it? I wouldn't have this whole story to tell you. So buckle up kids, cause you're in for one hell of a crazy ride.

Before the Elysian Fields were formed, before the whole Earth was even formed, it all started with the Primordial Deities, the first generation of gods and goddesses. Thats how everything started within this world to the next. All our stories have been filtered down from the gods and goddesses. They are what created the universe. They could not be seen, they only appeared as cosmic and elemental.

This first generation of Primordial Deities were known as; Chaos (Void), Thalassa (Sea), Gaia (Earth), Uranus (Sky), Ourea (Mountains), Pontus (Sea), Tartarus (Underworld), Erebus (Darkness), Nyx (Night), Aether (Light), Hemera (Day), Eros (Love). They created the universe and what they stood for were the essentials of the different aspects of life we experience today.

From the Primordial Deities, the next generation was birthed, named The Titans. They were the children of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaia (Earth). There were six male Titans and six female Titans. Oceanus (Titan of the Oceans), Coeus (Titan of Clairvoyance, Prophecy, Foresight, and Intelligence), Cirus (Titan of the Stars, Constellations, Winds and the Regulator of the Seasons), Hyperion (Titan of Light, Fire, Sun, Sight, Moon, Dawn, and Master of Day and Night), Lapetus (Titan of Mortality, Lifespan, Death and the Ruler of the Underworld before Hades), Cronus (Titan of Destructive Time, Harvest, Justice, Fate and Evil), Theia (Titan of Sight and Luster), Rhea (Titan of Fertility, Motherhood and Regeneration), Themis (Titan of Justice and Divine Law), Mnemosyne (Titan of Memory and Scripts), Phoebe (Titan of Mystery and Prophecy) and lastly Tethys (Titan of Sea and Water).

Now stay with me guys, I know this is confusing, but it is crucial to understand the bigger picture. You won't need to remember all of these people, I will only let you know about the important people of the story, or should I say the gods and goddesses that were a particular pain in my arse.

From these titans, The Twelve Olympians were born. They were led by Zeus (A little lad that I'm sure you all have heard of, (side note: please pick up on my sarcasm here, a particular God that was a pain in my arse, and I have a feeling I will get in trouble for calling him a little lad)). The Olympians were Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes, and Hestia. Zeus and these other Olympians overthrew the Titans. Imprisoning them in Tartaros, the deepest part of the underworld (Ruled by Hades). 

Why did they over throw the Titans you may ask? I ask myself this question a lot. However, the Titans weren't the most friendliest of Gods and Goddesses. Many of the other Titans had more children (Gods and Goddesses), alongside the Olympians having more children and pro-creating all over the universe, these children were some what less known in the history books, but important nonetheless. The more pro-creation that occurred angered the Titans, they felt that the blood lines of the gods and goddesses was being weakened, and that life on Earth should be kept pure. Not all Titans wished this. However, the Olympians devised a plan to over throw the Titans, they wanted to rule freely without the Titans breathing down their necks. So that is what they did, they banished them to the pits of hell for all of eternity. 

Now, don't go thinking that what the Olympians did makes them pure of heart, because it doesn't. However, they made things a lot easier with the Titans being gone. 

With the Titans out of the way the Olympians ruled in the heavens, keeping an eye on gods, goddesses and mortals. 

However, this story does not lie with these specific children we know of the olympians birthed from the titans. It's about the children of the Titans born from Hyperion and Theia, who gave birth to the 3 siblings, Selene, Eos and Helios.

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