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"Where are you going?" he asked in the darkness, his voice raspy and deep. He had his arm wrapped around her when he felt her hand closing around his wrist, moving his arm off her.

"I have to pee," she murmured, grunting noisily at her attempt of climbing out of bed.

"You need help?"

"I'm fine," she responds, establishing both feet on the cold hardwood floor and using her hands as leverage to push herself up and out of bed.

He watched her go and gazed at the clock on her bedside table. It was past two-thirty in the morning, and he had to smile a little. It seemed that her bladder indeed has a timer; she always had to pee at this time.

A few minutes later, he was still awake, waiting for her. She strolled in and closed the door after her, shutting it quietly in case sleep took him under again.

But she saw his large eyes gazing right at her when she turned the corner of their bed, the moonlight shining through her sheer curtains, enhancing his beautiful face.

"Go back to sleep," she smiled sweetly, deep down loving how attentive he is.

"I love when you wear that shirt," a smile tugging fondly at his lips.

"It's comfy," Norma shrugged, lifting the covers and climbing back in bed.

She can't wait for the day she's able to lay on her belly again. When she can flop down in bed with no hassle or distress. She sits then turns her body slightly, tucking her legs under the silk sheets, shielding her body from the cold.

He watched patiently as she got cozy in bed, turning on her left side to face him.

"How is she?"

"Kicking me a lot," she winced, another little kick right in her ribs.

"She thinks it's time to party and not to rest," he grinned, reaching out to tug down the sheets. He gets closer and pulls his own grey, oversized shirt she loves to wear so much, exposing her grown stomach.

"Mommy needs to sleep," he whispered, talking to their daughter and expecting the baby to obey his orders. "You promised me you'd behave."

Norma brushes his hair with her already swollen fingers, all while smiling down at him, loving how perfect of a dad he already is.

As in cue, the baby kicks, and Norma pants, laughing immediately at the sparse pain that little kick induced. Alex smiles wonderfully, pressing his lips to her stomach again. "You little brat."

Norma laughs a little more, her hand coming to hold her belly as if her laughter would cause it to explode somehow.

Alex rested his head on her stomach, his left cheek squeezed firmly against her tremendous belly. His eyes found her own with no difficulty, her laughter dying thoroughly as she began to think about how happy she is this time around. How different things are and how perfect the father of her child is.

Tears started to well up as her mind traveled back to her prior pregnancies. How neither John or Sam showed any interest in becoming a father. How they never talked to her belly the way Alex does every night before bed or any chance he gets. How they never helped with groceries, or with chores and how she always had to ask for assistance when she needed to get in and out of the car.

Alex didn't know how bad it's been for her and she's not planning on telling him. Because this time around he's made pregnancy utterly reliable and perfectly enjoyable. Because he rubs her swollen feet, he feeds her fresh fruit in the mornings and makes sure she doesn't go down the stairs alone. He helps her hop in the shower, in and out of her car, he cleans around when he comes home from work and makes sure the third load of laundry is set and folded.

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