Christmas Eve

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"Honey, I don't know where this goes," Alex examines the carton box attentively, not knowing what the real purpose of the heavy cream was.

Norma overhears his voice even though the Christmas music is blaring in the living room and makes her way to him, dropping her whisk and wiping her hands on her Santa apron.

"Read," she points to the opened recipe book adjacent to him and the sink. "You need half a cup of heavy cream or the half-and-half. Whichever one you'd like."

Alex frowns adorably, showing her the item he had in hand. "And which one is this?"

Norma smirks broadly. "That's heavy cream, sweetheart."

"And apple crumble with caramel sauce is supposed to come out of this?"

Norma couldn't take the comeliness and the delightful concern in his voice. It's Christmas Eve and having him here, in the kitchen, covered in flour and eggnog, was pretty much how she pictured their first Christmas as husband and wife would be.

They have been baking for hours now, and Norma is happy to know that Alex had no intention of abandoning her in the kitchen, not on Christmas Eve and not ever. Never in her life, she thought she'd have to show one of her husbands how to whisk egg whites and how to peel apples the proper way. Alex was perfect. He was the man she's been waiting for her whole life, a man that will bake holiday goods with her and drink wine while listening to Christmas music in the middle of the day.

"Just follow the steps, and you'll be surprised how good it'll turn out," Norma encourages him with a kiss to his temple.

"I just don't want to ruin it," he whispers, but because of her proximity, Norma can hear him.

"You won't," she asserts with a smile, guiding her hand to the back of his neck. "You're doing great."

Alex wanted more than anything to please her. He saw the excitement in her eyes the moment she mentioned the many desserts she would be making for dinner. Dylan and Emma are arriving in a few hours, and she wanted to have everything ready on time. Her face softened the moment he said he wanted to help. He could almost see tears forming in her eyes when he came closer and kissed her lips.

That made her happy. And he was going to do whatever to give her the best Christmas Eve yet.

"I'm far from being a pro like you, but I'm trying," he smiles, leaning down to kiss the tip of her nose.

"I love that you're doing this with me," Norma confesses, her lips only millimeters away from his. "It's perfect."

Alex smirks and places the carton of heavy cream down, turning his body entirely towards hers. His hands find her delicate waist, pressing ever so lightly her sensitive flesh. Norma's arms find their way to his neck, her usual way of keeping him close.

"You're perfect," Alex mutters, gently kissing her jawline. "Even when you're covered in flour and strawberry jam."

Norma giggles coquettishly. "It's raspberry."

Alex notices the spot of jelly on her forearm and dips down to lick it off her. Norma watches him warmly.

"You were right," he affirms, looking back at her. "Raspberry."

"I know," Norma grins gleefully. "I'm always right."

Alex squints his eyes, stepping closer to her but reaching for whatever was behind her. He moves pots and pans, sliding them to the left side of the counter as he reached for her hips. In a swift motion, he hoisted Norma on the countertop securely; a tiny chuckle escaped her lips.

"Is that right, Mrs. Romero?" his playful hands find their way up her thighs, tickling her in the meantime, causing another giggle to burst free.

Norma pulls him closer by his neck, the devilish smile never vanishing from her face. This was something different, something she's never experienced. The afternoon was perfect to do just this-the two of them, baking and kissing in the middle of the kitchen as if they were two teenagers in high school. Two lovers ready to take on the world by acknowledging the little things; the ones that are truly important.

"What'd I say, sir?" she wraps her legs around his waist, bringing with them the lower half of his body towards her.

"I'm going to keep bringing it up until you change your mind and finally take my name," he teases her for a second, moving his lips to her neck, kissing and nipping on the tender skin there.

Norma bites her lower lip and closes her eyes at the sensation. "You think that's going to work?"

Alex leans back to stare at her, finding her with her eyes closed and pure lust reflected on her face. "I hope so. I'm counting on it."

"Keep on hoping, Sheriff," Norma teases. "Hope is the last thing you lose."

"I thought it was faith?" Alex frowns.

Norma shrugs indifferently. "Whichever one."

Alex grins at her little pout and moves his hands up again, reaching her hips under her flared skirt. Norma grabbed his face and connected their awaiting lips, tasting the sweet combination of powdered sugar and cinnamon on his lips. A low moan leaves his throat, causing Norma's insides to twist.

Just when things started to get heated, her timer on the oven went off, startling them both. Norma breaks the kiss to look back at the oven, but Alex is quick to catch her lips again, softly maneuvering his hand under her chin, bringing her mouth close to his yet again.

"One more minute," he whispers upon her mouth, kissing her again a sliding her down the counter a bit, gripping vigorously her bottom.

"I have-," Norma smirks and tries to talk but Alex is quick to connect their lips. "I have to take them out or they will overcook."

As much as she was trying to pretend, the nip on his lip and her hands and legs around his waist said otherwise. She didn't want to let go either.

"They'll be fine," he mumbles huskily. "I promise."

Norma kisses him back with the same vigor. She is sure that there is more than butterflies in her stomach. He tasted delicious.

"At least-at least open the oven for me," she says between kisses. "Let it air out."

Alex did was he was told, letting go of her quickly and leaning over to open the oven door. He inspected the banana muffins quickly, turning his gaze back to her.

"They look good!" he grins widely, almost too proud of the muffins he had made.

"I'm sure they do!" Norma's heart melts at his naive behavior. He looked just like a little boy on Christmas morning.

Since he stood there watching the muffins proudly, Norma missed his touch, his warmth. She leaned over and yanked him by his shirt, that devilish smile coating her face. "Come here."

Alex happily complied, wrapping his muscly arms around her torso, bringing her incredibly close and Norma encircled her legs around him again. They kissed, the way they've kissed a hundred times, but this kiss was different. It was slow and passionate. It wasn't hurried or forced.

"Do you want to take a break?" Norma suggests, breaking the kiss. Alex smiles and tightens grip on her hips. It amazes him how fast she can change her mind.

"I do," he smirks, sliding her off the counter and pushing her up to adjust her posture. She holds onto his shoulders and tightens her grip around his waist, waiting for him to settle her the way he wanted to.

Norma kept her eyes on him at all times. Smiling when he leaned forward, reaching for her waiting mouth. His hands rest solely on her ass, his lips kissed hers as he made his way upstairs. They've been baking goods since the early morning; it was time for a break.

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