• CHAPTER 4 : Dreamjob •

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Y/N's POV :
I woke up and get a shower, I wash up my face and put on some cream and moisturiser, I picked my clothes that is suitable for me to wear today



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I checked myself on the mirror, it is now 10, I have to meet at her company at 12

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I checked myself on the mirror, it is now 10, I have to meet at her company at 12.

I went downstair and Taehyung look at blush and shocked

TAEHYUNG : woah, where are you going ? *he look at me up and down*
Y/N : Im getting my dream job, hehe

I walk to him and eat together with him, after we are done he ask me if he can drive me there

TAEHYUNG : can I take you there ?
Y/N : *chuckles* its okay, you can rest
TAEHYUNG : no *he pout*

I look at him pissed and kiss him, I nodded

Y/N : finee, let's go


After an hour, we arrived. I check my belonging and kiss Taehyung's cheek and get out from the car

Y/N : I'll be back *smile*



I was walking alone, I search for Irene but couldn't find her and suddenly a women come up me

STUFF : are you Lee Y/N ??
Y/N : yes I am *smile*

She lead me to Irene's office, I open the door and we both hug

IRENE : are you ready ?

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