Part One- 13. Almost Christmas

Start from the beginning

I walk back in and grab June's hand. I smile down at her, and she bursts out laughing. I chuckle and wrap my arm around her shoulders. I lightly press my lips to her forehead.

"Problem solved," I grin as we head to the toy store.

"You're insane! You didn't have to do that, Neymar," June kisses my cheek.

"Yes I did. I want you to be happy."

"I'm always happy with you, Neymar," June leans up and kisses me.

"Mmmm. I'd do anything to keep a smile on your face," I hold her hand as we walk around.

We pick up some last minute gifts for our friends and family. In all reality, we did have all our shopping done; we just wanted to get out of the house. I take her over to the food court and order us drinks and sandwiches.

I take June over to a table by the fountain. I sit down next to her and grab her hand. June gives me a bright smile and we start eating. We talk about the holidays and of course football.

June talks about the teams at her school- Varsity and Junior Varsity. I bet she'll be on the best team but June's not so convinced.

"How can there be a better goalie than you? The entire Brazilian National Team took 45 shots at you and only 7 of them made it," I grab my phone and pull up the calculator, "That's about 15%, princesa."

"Still you never know. I'm hopeful though."

"Pardon, are you Neymar?" A small voice asks.

"I am," I look down and see a 10 year old boy or so standing there.

"Can I please have your autograph and a picture?"


"Davi! Stop bothering Neymar! We have shopping to do," a woman walks over, "I'm so sorry for him."

"It's not a bother at all and of course you can have a picture and autograph," I smile, feeling an immediate soft spot for him since he shares the same name as my son.

I pull out a Sharpie and sign the back of Davi's jersey. I write him a message and smile. He pulls out his phone and hands it to June. She takes a few pictures of us and hands the phone to me. I pull it out of the case and sign the back of his phone as well.

"Obrigado!" Davi smiles widely.

"Sem problemas! O prazer é meu," I give him a hug. {No problem! It's my pleasure.}

"Adeus," Davi waves, and he and his mum walk away.

"That was sweet," June leans forward and kisses me.

"Fans are a huge part of this. They keep me going."

"And to think I was a fan of yours," June says thoughtfully.

"Was? You still aren't?" I pout.

"Of course I am. What I meant was I was a fan of yours, and now I'm dating you. Life is funny that way. I didn't know you until August and since then you've become one of the most important person in my life."

"You're cute," I laugh.

"I give you a sappy story about how important you are, and all I get is 'you're cute'? I'm offended, Neymar," June holds a hand dramatically over her heart.

June's POV

I watch Neymar's face fall slightly as I pout at him. He rubs his face with his free hand, and I try not to giggle. He stands up and pulls me with him. Neymar fishes around in his pocket. He stops in front of the fountain with a waterfall and stands behind me. He presses a penny into my hand. Neymar's arms wind around my waist, and he kisses my neck.

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