unknown numbers

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"Darling, you better speak up.
I'm only fluent in English and Prada."


Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.

Hydra frowned and took her phone out of her bag to check her notifications. Ten unread messages. Her eyes widened but then squinted in confusion because they were all from an unknown number,

Silently excusing herself from the table of happy brunchers, she turned to face Andrew who was patiently waiting by the door, and seemingly staring at Liz.

Hydra tilted her head and decided to read Andrew's mind.

Liz is too pretty- wow. Okay, enough of that.

"Ehem?" Hydra raised a brow at the dazed manager. That made him snap out of it.

No one, and I mean no one, ever ignores Hydra Lynx Malfoy's 'ehem'.

Slightly flustered, he smiled at Hya, "What can I do for you, Ms. Hya?"

"If anyone asks, I'm in the restroom." Hya says.

Andrew nodded. "Of course, Miss."

Hydra nodded back and ran off to the restroom. Once she got there, she threw her bag on the counter and pulled out her phone, clicking on the messages.

"Well look who it is.
Good morning, little Hydra.
You seem to be enjoying your stay.
But not for long.
So here's how this goes down.
If you tell on me, I'll kill your whole family.
But if you shut it and come with us, they'll be safe and happy like nothing is going on.
So which one will it be?
You have five hours til the ball.
Make up your mind."

"Who the fu-"


"Hey, Al. Where have you been?" James asked a slightly sweaty Albus, who ran from the lobby after just... coming out to his mother.

One family member down. Nearly a hundred more to go.

"Uh, I was with Alex. We had a coffee." Albus replied.

"Oh yeah! What was that about? I didn't know you knew him." James said.

Albus started to freak out. Has his cover been blown?

"His Dad, uh, asked me to tell him something. Uhm, yeah." He shrugged. Internally, he was contemplating how to actually tell James. Should he tell a joke or something?

James nodded. "Aight. Well, we have to go upstairs now. Dad said that Aunt Mione's suits came earlier in our floor. If we don't get there in 10 minutes, he will send us to Hydra."

"Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. No doubt, no doubt, no doubt, no doubt," Albus said and pressed the elevator button.

When it opened, James followed him inside, but then realized someone was missing. "Hey, Al, have you seen Leo?"

Fuck. "No, why would I know where he is? It's not like I know his every move. I don't know where he is, okay-!" Albus burst out.

"Okay, okay! Calm down, Al. What's up with you?" James frowned worriedly at his brother, watching as he buried his face in his hands.

"I'm just... tired I guess. I'm sorry I snapped at you." Al mumbled quietly.

The elevator door opened once more, revealing the men sat down in a long table.

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