surprise, bitch

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"Sure, blood is thicker than water,
But true friendships are more solid than gold."


"Do we have to go to the bloody reunion? I wanna sleep all day and not care about the world." Scorpius groans into a pillow. Ara rolls her eyes.

"We're going there by Zoom." Ara smirks. Zoom was the family private jet. The Malfoys had three jets. One for them, one for Lucius and Narcissa, and one for business trips, which Draco is using right now going to Amsterdam then to Vegas.

Scorpius' head shots up, "I'm up, I'm up, when are we going again?" He asks groggily. Ara huffs and walks out.

Hermione walks in, as Scorpius went back to sleep. "Scorpius, wake up." She said tiredly.

"SCORPIUS HYPERION MALFOY GET UP!" Hermione screams. Scorpius sat up and grabbed a trunk from his walk-in closet with closed eyes and a sleeping brain.

Leo walks in and slaps Scorpius at the back of his head. "Leo! Ow!" Scorpius rubs the back of his head.

"Wake up or I will make you." Leo threatens. Seconds later, Scorpius is still sleeping and Leo scoffs and calls the last hope of waking Scorpius up.

A mad Hydra Malfoy stomps in and the look on her face can make someone cry. Her godmother, Ginny Potter, taught her well.

"SCORPIUS! GET UP! YOU LAZY TWAT, WE'RE LEAVING IN FIVE MINUTES. LAS VEGAS IS HOURS AWAY SO WAKE UP OR WE WILL LEAVE YOU WITH AUNTY PANSY AND UNCLE RON!" She bellows and walks out leaving a traumatized Scorpius shoving stuff into his trunk and Leo keeping his eyes on his sister as she makes her exit, a proud brother on the inside.


The family of five zooms past the boarding pass line and straight to the VIP section. They give their passports to the attendant and speeds to their jet.

"Oh, Zoom, missed you!" Scorpius hugs an airplane seat. Leo stares at him.

"You look pathetic, Scorp, get up." Leo sneers at his brother and sits down on a leather seat, putting on his headphones and eye mask. Hermione rolls her eyes. Too melodramatic, that one.

Scorpius pouts and sits on the chair leaning it all the way back and sipping his iced tea. "Oh, get a grip, you fool, I'm 2 years older than you and I don't remember you pouting since 10 years ago, grow up." Ara frowns at her brother.

"I'mma take a nap in my bed, kids. Good night." Hermione yawns and kisses her children's heads. Ara nods and follows her mother, planning on doing shut-eye for at least an hour or two.

Hydra sighs and looks around at her brothers who were already fast asleep. She takes out Little Women by Louisa May Alcott and starts reading where she left off.


"C'mon, hurry up! You girls are taking so bloody long. They'd be boarding by now." Uncle Chad rolls his eyes.

Starring John Carroll Lynch

"But daddy, if we're gonna sneak in some seats in first-class, we might as well look worthy of it." The high-pitched voice of Liz Granger whines.

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