Your face was void of any emotions. "Ahh~? What happen to your will to live?" She smiled as she lifts you up once again and slams you to the nearest window. You felt and heard the window crink.

Isuke was choming you.

"This is exactly how Tokaku died! Why dont you join her in the after life you fool~♡" Isuke said as she clamps your neck harder. The added pressure was making the window brake slowly. You weren't sure what would kill you first.

The lack of air from your body
The window breaking and you falling a 4 story fall.

As you were almost close to death. You heard a loud of fast feet movements. Tokaku had ran so fast that she sliced at Isuke's arm. Not cutting it off completely but enough to drop you and her to be laboring in pain. You breath weakly as you inhale deeply for the loss of air.

"You BITCH! You were dead! Ahahahaha you can't kill me! So why even bother?!" Isuke angrily shouts as she sits struggling on the floor. Tokaku kicks Isuke square in the chest and turns her over. Isuke layed on her stomach as she now feared Tokaku for the next words she spewed.

"My seal has been lifted. I can KILL now." She explains as she's about to slash Isuke's throat you stop her.

"NO! P..please do not kill her Tokaku. I don't want her blood on your hands"

"She almost killed us both tonight-"

"I know... but this is not the way." You said smiling at her as your body was limped against a wall and bruised all over from tonight's events. Tokaku still mad leans over to Isuke's ears and gives Isuke chills as she whispers.

"You're lucky she said to kill you. I would've slowly driven my blade across your face then stab your respiratory cord in your neck. Slowly filling your lungs with blood."

Tokaku choose a rougher approach to incapacitating Isuke. She slammed Isuke's head to the ground several times before you grab Tokaku from behind and hugged her tightly. Tokaku sighs and helps you since you were to weak to walk. The night had cleared of the ravenous typhoon. The ground was covered in puddles. The air smelled like moist soil.

You giggled as you stopped with Tokaku beside you. You hugged her tightly as you cried in her chest. "Tokaku I thought you died and left me behind like my family. I'm sorry!"
You apologized for not being of help to her.

Tokaku smiled as she softly brushed your hair from behind.

"(Y/n) I wasn't cursed to not be able to kill. Just being protect by some other force. Please don't cry. You like so adorable I might just steal a kiss or two." Tokaku responded as she buried her face into your hair.

The memory from Tokaku was:
"Remember this shrine Tokaku!"

"Why auntie?"

"It'll stop you from being a killer and the will to kill. Remeber me and your mother will be watching from the shrine and protect you no matter what!" Tokaku's aunt explained as later that die she died by Tokaku's grandmother's hands.

Isuke's ending


After making it all the way home. You and Tokaku dressed the wounds you both had. You both were roughed up beyond belief. Covered in bruises and cuts. You're surprised you all won for the night being.

As you dressed Tokaku's cuts, Tokaku decided to have a little fun.

"(Y/n) I forgot to mention that there is also a cut near my ear. Would you be a sweetie and help me?"

You nodded tiredly.

As soon as you got near her face to check, Tokaku kissed you passionately on the lips and pushed you down on the couch.

Regardless of how tired you were Tokaku was going to make the night longer then it needed to be.


•Back in the ruins of the school•

Sumireko was wondering the halls of the tattered school. She held a baskest of flowers. She first came upon Banba and kneeled beside her as she placed several flowers on her sleeping body.

"Do not worry my close friend. I will finish what you and Isuke have failed to accomplish. I do not intend to fail, at least no so easily." Hanabusa comments as she did the same for Isuke before walking out of the school smiling mischievously.

The Sheep and her Wolfhound. (FemReaderxTokakuAzumaYandere)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя