chapter twenty

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Gerard tiredly leans against the bar island as he impatiently waits for his shift to end. He blocks out the sound of people talking loudly over the music. The sounds of glasses being set on the tables. The clicking of the clock.

He's exhausted. His body hurts from such long hours. Gerard just wants to quit his jobs and give up but he can't. He has the one thing keeping him going, which is Mikey. He's the only reason Gerard even gets out of bed or cares enough to even shower.

Bert isn't here tonight unfortunately. After the Zach thing last week, Bert's been hesitant on leaving his house. Though they still call every night and often in the mornings. Bert stopped by the bookstore yesterday morning just to check in and to be able to see him.

The clock strikes 11 pm and Gerard doesn't waste time before putting on his coat and exiting the bar into the cold. He tiredly walks down the pavement as be rubs his acheing neck, heading to his car. Excited to get home and rest.

Gerard smiles when he approaches his parking spot to see Bert leaned against his car. Bert smiles when he notices him. "Hey beautiful, how was work?"

"Tiring." Gerard chuckles as he rubs his acheing neck in pain. Afraid to blind as he worries his eyes may not open back up again with his exhaustion. Saying that Gerard's sleep deprived would be an understatement.

Bert notices, becoming concerned. "Why don't I drive you home, okay?"

"If you don't mind." Gerard rubs his eyes tiredly. Bert takes his keys and the two get into the vehicle. Bert can't help but to laugh when Poison begins playing from the cd in his car stero.

Gerard laughs, blushing. "Shup up. We all have guilty pleasures and listening to Brett Michaels just so happens to be one of mine."

Bert drives the short distance to Gerard's complex. He walks the red head up to his apartment and unlocks the door for him, walking him to his bedroom. Noticing him rubbing his neck and shoulder. "Are you sure you're okay babe?"

"Yeah. My body just aches." Gerard says as he slides his shirt off. Rolling his shoulders back as he winces. Gerard's been working so much for so long that it's taking a toll on his mind and body.

Bert places his hand on his shoulder as Gerard unbuckles his belt. "You're tense. You need to stop stressing so much, and definitely stop working so many hours Gee."

"I would if I could. But I have bills to pay, and a lot of them." Gerard softly chuckles. Letting out a breath of relief as Bert rubs his shoulders, helping him with the tight pain in that area.

The two sit on the bed and Bert just rubs his shoulders, seeing it helps. Bert chuckles as Gerard lays his head back tiredly, enjoying the massage.

Bert places soft kisses on Gerard's bare, freckled shoulder. Unable to help himself, he softly kisses to his neck as his hand slip down his shoulder. It's killing him not to be with Gerard.

"I don't think this is what typical 'friends' do." Gerard chuckles softly, though enjoying it. Considering the fact that Bert's the one choosing to keep their relationship on pause.

"I know, I just can't help it. I want to be with you, so badly but I can't." Bert whispers against the soft skin of his neck. Running his hand down and slides into Gerard's, squeezing softly. Bert wants nothing more than to be with Gerard, to take care of both Gerard and Mikey. But he knows he can't.

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