Start from the beginning

"Well, if you're up for it, I'd love to see if we could give you a better shower sex experience," Louis had offered, casually, though his heart was thudding in his chest and he was pretty sure Harry could tell. Harry had just smiled at him, that shy smile that reminded Louis of his likeness to the moon, for some reason. And then they made out against the wall for a while, and then Harry pulled away to take a shower, and here they were now.

By the time Louis toweled off, he was jittery with excitement. Maybe a bit of nervousness, too, but the good kind of nervousness. He wasn't sure if he should put clothes on or not, considering they were about to get naked, but figured he should, for appearance's sake.

When he opened the bathroom door, his eyes fell on Harry standing beside the bed, dressed in adidas joggers and a black hoodie with the strings tied into a bow. He was bent over the old mahogany desk by the window which overlooked the dark forest and the mountaintops in the distance, and he was sliding a vinyl record out of its sleeve.

"You lovely person," Louis murmured, inching closer to him until he could wrap his arms around Harry's narrow waist and hug him from behind. "I know see why you insisted we lug this thing all the way up here. What're we gonna listen to?"

Harry tilted the album over so Louis could see the simple black cover with a big white 'x' in the center. Quietly, he said, "Always wanted to fuck to this album."

Louis squeezed him tighter, nuzzling his face into his broad back, pressing against his shoulderblades. "Me too. Favorite song?"

"Either Infinity or Night Time."

"The two sexiest songs on the album. That's fair." Louis slipped the tips of his fingers under Harry's hoodie. He wasn't surprised to find bare skin there, no t-shirt or anything to hinder the contact. "They're both at the end of the record, though. Think you can last that long?"

Harry huffed, and set the needle on the vinyl, spinning around in Louis' arms only to push him toward the bed. The angsty instrumentals filled the room and Louis had to bite his lip to hold back a smirk.

"Think you can last that long?"

"Come here," he beckoned, ignoring Harry's gentle taunting. He guided Harry to the middle of the bed, making sure he was comfortable before he kissed his lips quickly and pulled away. "I have an idea. Sit still."


"You like it," Louis winked, digging through his bag. Earlier, when they were still in the van and Harry was busy driving, he snuck a few candles into the side pocket in anticipation for this exact moment. Now, he scattered them over the nightstand and used his lighter to catch the flame, casting the room in a romantic glow. The scent of roses and vanilla began to diffuse through the space, and it mixed with the comforting fragrance of old wood and the pine forests outside.

When he looked back over to the bed, Harry was staring at him with a fierce yet dreamy look on his face.

"I love you," he declared, the words ringing in the air.

It wasn't startling to hear it, it never had been. They'd been saying I love you for years, because they were best friends, closer than most. They wrote love songs together, they laughed over jokes no one else found funny, they understood each other like no one else did. Now, the simple declaration had a weightier meaning, and it was welcomed.

"I love you," Louis echoed, climbing on top of him and pressing him flat to the mattress, kissing him hungry and hard. "So much."

He had more to say but he kept the sappy sentences to himself, pouring the feelings into their kisses instead. I want to love you, take care of you, keep you safe. I want to make you happy. I want to protect you.

you are half of me (and I am all for you) - larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now