"Louis!" Harry gasped. "Don't say that."

"Fifty-fifty," Niall bet. "I don't think they ended on good terms, but like, did you see the way they were looking at each other? All heart eyes and shit. It's disgusting. I can't believe we had to witness that."

" I can't believe we're spending the night at Liam's secret boyfriend's house and we didn't even know."

"They're really cute together, though. Like, the way they are with each other... It's sad they didn't work out," Harry mused, tapping his pink and turquoise nails on a case of beer.

"Hard to make it work from Seattle to Atlanta. All the way across the country. Time zones really fuck you up, you know?"

"Yeah, it's just, I don't know..."

Louis smiled at him, unable to help it. "You're such a hopeless romantic, H."

They hardly ever talked about relationships and love and all that, because he always seemed to be a bit antsy whenever the topic came up, but that didn't mean Louis was ignorant to all the little signs that showed how much Harry loved romance.

Louis had watched enough rom coms with him to know he wept over the slightest displays of affection. Also, the stack of guilty-pleasure romance novels stacked up beside Harry's bed back home was hard to ignore, whenever he was in his room. Just the thought of Harry picking them out at the library made Louis want to gather him in his arms and never let go.

And, okay. Maybe Louis was a bit of a hopeless romantic himself, but the world didn't need to know that right now.

Harry shook his head, turning away. "Shut up."

"You two are helpless," Niall muttered. "I can't with you two."

Louis ignored him. He wasn't sure what Niall was playing at, but he wasn't going to get into it right now. He lifted his chin and asked, "So what how long do you think we should stay here? Also, honestly, we might have to sleep in the van tonight. I don't want to be a room away from them while they're doing the dance without pants."

"I'm sure they'll be quiet," Harry said weakly.

Louis waved him off. "Whatever. We can kill an hour, can't we? I'm sure that'll give them enough time to get everything sorted out."

They all agreed and wandered off to do their own thing. Niall headed for the golf section, while Harry stopped in front of a wall full of hair clips and began inspecting each one.

Louis just cruised the aisles, not really searching for anything in particular. Candy, chips, drinks, and so on. A bag of organic kale chips caught his eye, because they reminded him of Harry even though he claimed to not even like kale. He was a liar—Louis had seen him eat kale by choice on at least four separate occasions.

Well, okay, maybe you could eat kale without liking it. There were health benefits, important vitamins or minerals or whatever, Louis had read an article about it ages ago but he couldn't be arsed to remember right now. But four times? That was excessive.

He kept walking until the condom section came into view. It gave him an idea.

Personally, Louis preferred Trojan's variety pack of lubricated condoms, which included a handful of different types like "warming" and "INTENSE," whatever that meant. It was always a funny thing to joke about to ease the tension, especially when he was hooking up with someone he met at a bar and thus barely knew. Laughing during intimate moments was beautiful and something everyone should try to incorporate into their sexlife. It was kind of Louis' thing.

These weren't for him, though. So he grabbed a deluxe pack of standard, lubed condoms, and turned around to go pay for them.

"There you are!" Harry exclaimed, approaching him with a tiny piñata in his arms. He stopped short when he saw what Louis was holding, though. "Oh- Is that- Are those... Um."

you are half of me (and I am all for you) - larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now