CHAPTER ONE: The Boy In The Iceberg

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"Prince Zuko, I understand you want to be thorough with your search, but we're wasting our time here," Siyoh said, standing just behind the Prince, "There is only one village anywhere near here, and I can guarantee that the Avatar isn't there."

Zuko stared into the distance, "Only one way to be sure."
A bright beam of light shot into the sky, catching them both off guard.
"Finally!" Zuko exclaimed. He quickly turned to face his uncle, who was playing a game by himself.
"Uncle, do you realize what this means?"
"I won't get to finish my game?"
"It means my search is about to come to an end."
Iron and Siyoh both sighed. This wasn't the first time he had said that and it won't be the last.

"That light came from an incredibly powerful source!" he continued, "It has to be him!"
"Or it could just be the celestial lights," Iroh sighed, "We've been down this road before, Prince Zuko."
Zuko turned to Siyoh, who was bundled tightly, yet still shivering in the cold.
"Siyoh, you grew up here. Did that look like any celestial lights you've ever seen?"
"I-" she paused. There's was only once she had seen a light like that, and she wasn't even sure she saw it.
Iroh took advantage of her silence, "I don't want you to get too excited over nothing. Please, sit. Why don't you enjoy a cup of calming Jasmine tea?"
"I don't need any calming tea! I need to capture the Avatar! Helmsman, head a course for the light!"
With that, Zuko turned and stormed inside, supposedly to calm down.

Siyoh used to jump when the Prince has an impatient outburst, but after nearly half a year with him, she had grown used to it. Even Mizui hardly reacted anymore, despite his acute hearing. Instead, the large wolf simply looked at the Prince before deciding it was unimportant and returned to his nap.
"I'll have some tea with you, Iroh." Siyoh promptly sat across from the old man, as she usually did.
"Wonderful!" He smiled, pouring her a cup. He had learned to heat the cup before handing it to her when the weather was cold. He made note of her outfit: layers of dark blue and white robes were piled onto her petite body only to be buried underneath a sealskin coat and finally the usual black cloak she used when she wanted to keep her face hidden. Despite all that and her freshly warmed tea, the girl was still shivering.

"If you don't mind me asking," Iroh began, "How is it you managed to survive down here?"

"Do you mean my people or me in particular?" Siyoh took a sip of her drink, letting the liquid warm her insides.

"Either one. It is very cold."

Siyoh paused for a moment, gazing at the passing glaciers. "If you build an igloo correctly it will work just as well as any other home. Keeps the heat in and the cold out. As for me... I have Mizui to thank for keeping me alive." The water wolf gazed up at his owner at the mention of his name, tail thumping the deck.

Mizui found Siyoh alone and half-dead on an iceberg in the middle of this ocean. While he couldn't get do much, the wolf kept her warm, refusing to leave her side until she was safe. Ever since the wolf had stayed with her as she traveled the world. Siyoh secretly believed that Mizui was sent to her by the spirits to keep her alive and safe. Maybe it was part of the deal.

They sat in silence for a few moments longer as Iroh continued with his game. As he placed the last piece, Siyoh asked the question that had been on her mind.

"Do you think it could be the Avatar? The light, I mean."

"Do you?"

"I've only ever seen a light even remotely similar to that one once: When this happened," she said, pulling back her long bangs to reveal her face. She let them fall back into place a moment later.

"I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean."

"When I was very young I was sick, dying. My parents took me to the southern oasis to pray for the spirits to heal me, and they did."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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