The Blip

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"WHERE ARE YOU??!!" He yelled.
He was walking around his front yard. Wondering where his Dad and Sister went. They were no where to be seen.
His face was drowned in his sweat. Waterfalls pouring down his sharp chin. His eyes looking around rapidly. He was Hopeful that he could find them.... if they were even there.

His dad was his favorite. Everyday they would go out the front yard to play games like Baseball and hide and go seek. His dad would do everything with him. He would go out for some Icecream, or go buy the new Super Mario Games so they could play together. His dad taught him everything. How to catch, how to throw. How to defend himself,how to get a girl, which he eventually did! And his dad would bring them to all their dates. The most important thing his dad taught him was to never give up. His dad would do everything for him. And he would do everything for his dad. He felt that he would be nothing without him or his family.

His sister was alright. He could live without his sister "Aileen". She was a pain in the ass. All she did was annoy him. She was the one who told Mom he has a girlfriend. He's not supposed to have a girlfriend at the age of 14. Thank god his mom only got on to his dad about not telling her instead of making him break up with his girl. His girl is 13. He is 10.His sister is 8. His sister always got in the way of him and his dad. Whenever they wanted to do something together his sister would tag along and ruin everything.

They play Mario together? Oh now they gotta wait for her clumsy ass to catch up to them or they have to teach her how to jump over a Koopa and when she doesn't they have to wait for her to respawn in a little bubble that they then have to catch. It was too much work and he felt he didn't need his sister.

But now his bones are rattling with all his might looking, needing his sister and his dad. He still can't see them. All he could see was dust falling down onto the concrete of the driveway.

He was on the urge of crying. None of them insight.

"DAD!!! ALIEEN!" He called once more

"DAD!!! ALIEEN!!!"

"Alieen lets just get out our spot he already said he gave up," said his dad coming out from a bush, his daughter Alieen following.

"YEAH DAD I SAID I GAVE UP A LONG TIME AGO!!" He shouted with tears coming down his cheek.

"I thought I taught you to never give up Ashton!" His dad replied coming over with a Napkin.


"Hey stop screaming already!!! You are making it seem like I just faded into dust or disappeared forever or something!!" His dad said wiping his beautiful blue eyes tearless.

"Here I'll count this time,you go hide," His dad said. Calming down his son Ashton.

"Ugh. Dad,stop with your crazy talk!!! You'll find me and him in a Snap!!"

"Alieen don't over exaggerate!! Just find a good spot! There's a bunch of those around our yard and street!!"

"Dad she's right, you can find us," Ashton then raises his hand up and slides his thumb and middle finger together making a snap noise. "Just like that".

"Ashton you are over exaggerating too? Again guys, never give up! Isn't that right Logan?" He said as he looked down at a little lad waddling over to his daddys hand. "Yes dada," said the little 5 year old.
"Atta Boy Logan"

"Honey his name is Adrian," called over his wife. She was sweeping the drive way. Dust was flying up to the after noon air and down onto the hot street concrete.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2019 ⏰

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