Chapter 2

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The girl in the picture is how I picture Sydney, but with blonde hair.

Carl's POV

"Freeze." She whispered shakily. The girl blinks a few times and shifts from foot to foot, her uncomfortableness was beyond high.

I stand there like a dumb ass, to stricken by her beauty and the fact there is a gun in my fucking face. My feet were like bricks glued to the ground, unable to move them from the wooden boards beneath. My mouth was dry, no matter how many times I tried to collect the warm liquid in my mouth it always seemed to vaporize and vanish. My palms were sweaty as she raked my body with her eyes, stopping at my utility belt and giving it a double take.

"I'm going to take your weapons, and you're going to stand there. Okay?" She whispered. It was obvious to me that she hasn't done this often. She looked scared and defenseless, when on the other hand, you should look rude and powerful. She looked like she was going to her grandmothers to eat cookies on a Sunday after church, that's how innocent she looked.

I carelessly nodded my head and waited to feel her tiny hands on my body. She reached out with her left hand- her right still secure on that pistol- and grabbed ahold of my weapon in my hands. It easily slid into hers as I watched in amusement. Next she gripped my knife in my belt and gave it a swift tug, bringing it into her possession. She was soft with her movements, obviously not thinking I could do harm to her.

"Are you alone?" She blinked a few times as she takes a step back. Her ass made contact with the table, In return it screeched along the floor. Her eyes widened in alarm as she jumps forward and looks back at the furniture. A snort comes from my lips as I bring my hand up and rub my face.

"Yeah." I easily lie. "It's just me out here."

She looked up with amazed eyes and an open mouth. It gaped at the thought of me being out there amongst all the dead at my age. I'm sixteen, not four. I can take care of myself, and I don't need anyone there with me. It'll only slow me down and make me more vulnerable.

"Really?" She breathed. She put one of her hands on the table behind her and leaned her weight once more on the weak table. Her eyebrows were pulled into one as the thought still processes in her mind.

"Yes, why the fuck would I lie about a stupid thing like that?" I growled. My body leaned heavily against the doorframe to my right, my leg crossing over the other and my arms mimicking the same position.

She shuddered at my rudeness. Moving the slightest bit to get a better look at my body as she sits in one of the chairs.

"I- uh. I'm sorry. It's just, I didn't think that there were others like me around." She whispered. Her voice was soft and cracking. Most likely from the lack of water and a good meal.

"What do you mean; others like you? What the hells wrong with you?" My hand immediately went to my gun, but finding the cold empty holster at my side made my mind flashback to when the young girl took it from my grasp. And sure enough, in the waistband of her tiny skinny jeans was my pistol.

"No, no! Not like that at all!" Her eyes widen as she raises her hands up and shakes them in a panicked gesture. "I just meant, someone alone. Like me." She shyly looks at the wooden floors beneath her, her boot plays with the piled dirt and grass in the floor.

"Do you think- no never mind." She quickly closed her mouth after she thought of the next words that were to come out of her mouth.

"What were you going to say?" My hands pick at the dried blood on my nails. Almost like wet fingernail polish, it's sticky and smears when you touch it. It's soothing to think of how I got the blood on my hands. How much pain I brought the being as I embedded my knife into the soft skull of the dead.

"No, it was stupid. It's okay." Her voice drags me out of my trance. My blue eyes look up under the rim of my hat to glare at the girl.

"Spit it out, Barbie!" My short temper gets the better of me as my demons crawl from the obis. There nails claw and dig into me as I try to calm myself to a minimum. The cage that holds them back has a small key, each day the key turns faster and faster. My temper comes to full and boils over, so the key would turn to its max and let the demons free. And what ever was in their path got hurt or killed.

She jumped at my outburst. Her hands were visibly shaking as she tightens her grip on the gun in her hands. Her green eyes darkened with fear as she stares at me with doe eyes.

"I was wondering since we are both alone, if we could travel together. I mean, two is better than one. We could look after each other and make a good life and-"

"Stop!" I interrupted her idiotic and simple minded thinking. What was she thinking? That we would live happily ever after and have a nice life after all this was over? No. She must have hit her head, or maybe she was out there by herself to long, to believe something as stupid. "Life will never be the same. We are always going to have walkers and people are going to die. You can't stop it so you might as well stop thinking about it." I snapped.

She looked angry with my response, mad that I would say such a thing and go beyond her belief and tell her it wasn't true.

"What's your name boy?" She sat up taller than the whole entire time I had talked to her. Her back was straight and her feet were flat in the ground as she eyes me carefully.

"Carl Grimes." I mumble. I wasn't to fond of my last name for many reasons. One was my mother, she had the name for so long and then it was ripped from her as she went to the sky's. Each day I am reminded of who I am, who I'm apart of by that name. It's crushing my soul each day to think about the loved one I have lost, and to be reminded of her by a fucking name? It couldn't hurt worse.

"Well, Carl Grimes, I happen to think that there will be a cure. Every one of the infected will be taken in by facilities and treated, so they can come back to the life they once knew and live a happy full life like they should!" She pushes the chair with a hard shove as she stands to her feet and stomps past me. Her boots make loud echoing noises as she goes down the hall and to the front door.

"You wanna give me my gun back?" I call after her. Her noises stop as she contemplates her decision.

I turn my head to look down the messy hall as she fiddles with the door knob. She tilts her head to the side and gives me a small and nearly unnoticeable fake smile.

"No. I think I'll keep it." Her voice holds slight humor as she leans on her tip toes to peak through the peephole.

"Hey, what's your name girl?" I mock. A smirk forms in my lips as she turns her head and slightly glares at me. She shakes her head at my awful humor and turns back to the peephole.

"Sydney Smith." She grunts. She backs from the door after she's done looking through and grabs ahold of the knob again. This time turning and yanking it open with one pull.

"Well, Sydney Smith, I happen to think that you will love my group."

She turns her head to give me a terrified look before a figure comes up behind her and blows an object into the side of her head, knocking her unconscious.


I hope you all are liking the story so far. So, bad Carl? How do you feel about all that? Hot? Or not?.. Of course it's hot.


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