Chapter 6

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Carl's POV

Sydney walked slowly in front of me as we begin our journey back to camp. Each step she took, she moved like butter. So smooth. Each step she took her hips popped out, and even under her baggy clothes, you could see her hourglass shape.

I shook my head as I started to realize what I was thinking.

I found the dead girl walking hot.

I scoffed at the thought and quickly walked around her, coming up to the lead with my father. A bag was so effortlessly thrown over his shoulder as he strolls down the path, a grin on his lips.

"Today was an easy day." He preached proudly. We didn't have many of those very often. It was either we got no food, got ran out by walkers, or even worse trapped by walkers.

"We didn't get any food." I flatly point out. To look at the bad side of things first had become a defense mechanism I had come used to over the years. If you offer yourself the worse, you can't get worse. Things can only get better. Maybe.

"But we're alive." My father sighed. He took a glance to me and finally showed a smile I hadn't seen in months.

"Yeah" I mumble, not to interested in the conversation.

"See, Carl, you'll come to realize that things will always get worse. But you have the choice whether it remains worse or gets better." He sounded like he was reading a poem from a book of old English. What he said was true in a way. But why would you try to bring yourself up when you know that someone is going to cut the rope you are swinging from and let you fall back down?

"I know, dad." My feet shuffle on the ground as I dismiss the discussion. My father looked at me with sad eyes before sighing and remaining quiet.

At times, I feel bad for the way I treat him, he's my father. But my temper gets the better of me and I can't help but snap like a twig and lash out at anything that's in my path. That path being a gravel road in all directions.

I hear a rough grunt behind me, but before I can turn around to see the making of the noise a hard figure falls into me, knocking the both of us to the ground.

I hear the muttering of repeated sorrys from over me as the girl tries to quickly stand back up to her feet.

"What the fuck? Get off of me." I bellow.

"I-I'm sorry. S-sorry." Sydney scrambles to her clumsy feet and reaches a shaky hand out to me as she pushes her loose waves out of her face. She gulps hard as she looks down at my tense body.

I take this time to look at her reaction. Looking at her I realize how I make everyone feel. I make them terrified to be around me. I make my own family scared to even look me in the face. They're scared to say a word without me blowing up in the face.

"It's fine." I mumble and grab her hand. I squeeze it as she pulls me up, and I can't help but notice how fragile she really is. She had trouble pulling my malnourished body off the ground. And I could feel in her hand that if I sneezed any harder, I may have hurt her. She was so weak that if I wanted to, I could snap her like a twig.

I turned and made sure I had all my stuff without even another look at the girl. I didn't want to get attached to her in anyway. She may not be staying with us, and I didn't want the way I looked at her to be something to get used to. Even only knowing her for two days, she made me see my own family better than I ever could on my own.

"How much further?" Maggie tiredly ask from behind me. It obviously wasn't much longer, but I would let her figure that out.

"About twenty more minutes and we'll be on the main road. Then about another ten before we reach camp." Dad replied. I didn't know why he bothered with telling people the time anymore. No one carried a watch because time didn't mater. We live in the now. There's no need to have time to plan ahead, it's just we'll be there in a little while, and if we're not then were not.

Dad wanted to hold onto the littlest bit of sanity that he already had. So a watch was a good symbol to him, to show that there is always time.

But what he didn't know was that sanity was being drained away by society. Not a lot of people thought like my dad. They're living in the now, much like myself. They don't care what happens tomorrow, or what happened yesterday. Just as long as they live today, they don't care what happens.

And matter of factly neither do I. As long as the people I call family get out alive, I couldn't care less of what happens to the other fuckers. They could go and dig a hole and I'd gladly take a bullet and bury it into their brains.

Don't let this world spoil you.

Her voice comes into my head and all I can think of is that the world didn't spoil me. It ruined me.

This world is what took her away from me. And since she's been taken away from me I've become the thing I am today. I've become hidden secrets and dark nightmares. I've become a ring leader for dark and demonic souls to come and rest with. The world took her, and she took me as she left.


"What?" I jump. My endless thoughts had grabbed me and held me back once more as reality went on. I was just lucky enough to have someone pull me back, because I knew I couldn't do it on my own.

"I need to talk to you about Sydney when we get inside." Dad whispered. I looked up, still half shaken, and to the old hotel we had been staying in. The time had flew by as my demons grabbed me for fun in my thoughts.

Time was just a sense to the imagination.

"Fine." I murmured. "Let me just take her to her room." He nodded in agreement as he takes the handcuffs from their rightful place and lays them in my hand. I hear the girl sigh as she knows what's coming next. A smirk falls on my lips as I hear her reaction.

I start up the stairs to the second floor knowing good and well that shes following behind me. I take my time reaching her room as I look at the pictures hanging on the walls, in hopes of irritating her. But instead of irritating the interesting girl, she stopped and admired the paintings as well as I. A growl leaves my lips as I storm to her room and stand by her bed. She comes in shortly and sits upon the mattress, it creaks as she moves into a comfortable position.

I take the cuffs and wrap one link around her small wrist as I take the other and loop it around the bed frame, making sure of the fact she isn't going anywhere.

I turn on my heal and waltz over to the chipping door before her voice stops me.

"You intimidate me, Carl Grimes." She says quite confidently. I stand silently in the doorway for a moment before I collect myself.



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