3: crime for love

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- Sasuke's pov -

"GAAAAAAHAA!!" the boy screamed out as I cut off his thumb, my hand filled with the blood that's from his thumb... satisfying, I grab to his hand tightly as he cried a little" now you have 9 from 10" I said bluntly and smiled a little, he breathed heavily, I can see and feel his shivers, it's quite .. nice " tell me ... what is your name I didn't quite get it" I said as I knelt down facing the boy frowning "K-K-Kekzu" he let out weakly "alright. Listen closely Kekzu." I looked at him dead in the eyes "you'll stay away from Y/N and you'll have the rest of your fingers for you, even if she came herself. Ignore her and don't say a thing understand?" "w-wh- AAAGH!" "Do you want me to cut off your hand?" I said as I stabbed his hand right in the middle and twisted the kunai lightly, his pain is.. delightful to watch "o-ok!I Swear I'll stay away j-just please stop!", "he thinks I'll be a fool and let him go? Hahaha, pathetic" I stand up gazing at the drops of blood that are falling from his hand, I began walking off before he shouted out "W-WAIT!! WHERE A-ARE YOU GOING?!" I sigh and walk back "seems like you won't shut up on your own" I grab the blindfold and punch him in the stomach as he coughed out a little bit of blood before becoming unconscious, I wrap the blindfold around his mouth since it's useless in his eyes, he knows me now so it's not a big deal. I head back out and lock the door behind me and head off to the bathroom to take a relaxing bath after my first crime.
* time skip *
"I haven't heard Kekzu whine or scream once for the past 2 hours... could my hit really be that hard? I bandaged his cut and the loss finger" I glance over to the side table near my bed as the thumb was there with pale skin, I grab it and stare at it blankly "what should I do with you....?" I thought as I played with the thumb between my index and middle finger, "Y/N ..." I grinned lightly as I stood up and walked up to my desk as sat down.

- Y/N's pov -

Tonight has been quite lately .. I visited Kekzu but he didn't reply at all, I hope he's ok, I walked back home "hm?" I see a small box and a note right infront of my door " A gift...? It's not my birthday ..." I grab the box and the note and open the door to my house "I'm home-" "WELCOME BACK!!DATTEYBAYO" I get a loud greeting as I flinch at it "Naruto??? What are you doing here, wait are you the one who got me this???" "Nope!, I came from the back door since I have it's key Datteybayo" he smiled, "oh...right, mom gave him the keys" I frown lightly and look down "mom...." I sigh and smile lightly "I'll be right back ok?" "Hai!" I run upstairs to my room.
I changed my clothes, open the curtain and sat down infront of my desk, I open the note putting the box onto the desk.

"this is for you"

It's written in red.. is that blood..?? I put the note aside and grab the black small box and open it "w-w-wha.... AAAAAAAAH!!" I fall back and shiver lightly as a pale skin thumb falls out of the box "what's wrong Y/N-chan?!-- what the?!" "T-t-t- that's" I tried to gasp my breath,I can feel my chest tighten up feeling like I wanna vomit "hey hey calm down" Naruto patted my should and moved my gaze away from the thumb "K-k-k-kekzu...no..."I cried quitely "Kekzu..?" I hear Naruto ask, I pointed at the thumb as the name was scarred on it in the side, I can feel my stomach climb up my throat, I quickly ran to the bathroom and puked what felt like the food I ate for the whole week.

- Sasuke's pov -

Naruto left, finally. Y/N grabbed the thumb and put it back into the box as her eyes were still streaming tears as she went off to bed.

I played with my kunai quitely as I watched Y/N shuffle while sleeping, "seems like she's having a bad dream, or is she cold...?" I thought as I jumped to a tree closer to her window as I opened it gently, I jump in and walk over standing by her bed, "I never thought I'd be able to be this close ... her face is so....... pretty" her eyes were twitching lightly as a few tears streamed down, I approach her and wrap my hand around hers "cold...." I sigh quitely as I pull the blanket all the way to her neck "idiot... don't think about that guy too much.... he's not worth it..." I whispered as I let go of her hand lightly, I stare at the peacefully sleeping girl as the wind played with her hair lightly, I would love to watch her all night, not moving my eyes from her, I flinch lightly and look over to see her hand grasping onto mine tightly, I feel my heart fast up its beats
"What do I do!?, she isn't letting go!" I panicked, "wait... why am I panicking? This is perfect... she's holding MY hand.... none else's hand..." I hesitate a little before grabbing her hand gently and sit down I look into her face as she smiled softly a little "goodnight my rose..." I kiss her forehead smiling lightly as I open her hand lightly and pull my hand away, I walk back to the window and look one last look at her, "calm..." I smirk lightly and open the window and jump down, heading home.


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