Blue Eyed Solution

Start from the beginning

Thud... thud... thud...

Okay, enough was enough. He had to get up and face the music... or there was always the drunk option?

Thud... thud... thud...

"If you keep that up you are going to hurt yourself."

Surprised, Magnus looked up. For one perfect second he felt sure his agnostic prayers had been answered. For there, standing right in front of him, stood a guy. He was wearing a baggy black sweater that, if Magnus wasn't mistaken, had a tiny hole in one sleeve. This guy had pale skin, black hair, and brilliant blue eyes. He was looking at Magnus without amusement, but rather concern. Magnus couldn't get a gay or straight reading on the guy at all, but at this point he hardly cared.

"You aren't wrong," Magnus replied, smiling.

"Why are you banging your head on the counter?" blue eyes asked. "You've been at it a while."

"Also true," Magnus replied.

"Do you always answer questions so indirectly?" blue eyes asked.

Magnus smiled. "If you actually want to know," he said. "I have a very strange problem, and until you showed up I hadn't a single hope of solving it."

"If that's a line it's not one I'm familiar with," blue eyes replied, slightly awkwardly.

Just then they were joined by another guy, this one very blonde, and for lack of a better word, jockey. He had broad shoulders and a carefree expression. What Magnus noticed first though, was how casually he touched blue eyes with an arm around his shoulders.

"We dancing or what?" the blonde guy asked. "Don't be a wallflower."

"Ummm," blue eyes continued, still looking rather confused.

Magnus decided boyfriend or not, this guy would have to do. He stood up and prepared to plead his case.

"So here's my very strange problem," Magnus began, looking blue eyes right in the face. "My crazy ex has been parading around with her Russian underwear model, and in a moment of true idiocy on my part, I told her I had a boyfriend to take to a work party that starts in two hours. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to work with her come Monday. I know it's a long shot, but I'm looking for someone willing to pretend to be my boyfriend for a few hours to prevent my work life from becoming unbearable. There's free food involved, and my undying gratitude."

"Okay, that sounds like fun!" the blonde exclaimed. For a moment Magnus was worried he'd volunteer, but then the blonde turned to the other and said. "You should totally do this."

"What, are you crazy?" the dark haired man spun round to face the blonde. "I don't even know this guy!"

"Weren't we just talking about how you need to get out more," the blonde reminded him. "Isn't this just the reason why I dragged you out of the house today?"

"Going along with a stranger's ex revenge plans was not what I had in mind," blue eyes snapped back at his friend.

"Umm... if it helps, my name is Magnus Bane," Magnus said, hope suddenly alive that tonight wouldn't ruin his life. "I'm a lawyer. I have a business card. You can google me. I'll even throw in some IOUs for future Lawyer assistance with the undying gratitude."

"Excellent!" the blonde guy exclaimed. "I can always use some help with parking tickets." With that he pulled out his phone, and seconds later he was showing blue eyes the screen. "There see. I googled Magnus Bane. He's really a lawyer," blondie continued, then turned to Magnus and added, "I'm Jace, and this reluctant shy idiot is Alec."

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