Chapter 10

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Danny looked around in wonder at the huge house. He didn't even notice when Bruce stopped in front of him causing him to run into his back. He stumbled back into Tim's arms.
"Hey you ok there Danny?"
"Oh.. uh yeah. Sorry. I guess I uh didn't notice you uh stopped. Sorry." Danny scratched the back of his neck nervously as he looked anywhere but Bruce.
"Hey. Danny, you're ok. No one is going to hurt you. You're safe now." Bruce put a reassuring hand on Danny's shoulder. "Now are you ready to meet everyone?" Danny nodded nervously. "If you aren't ready we can just go back to the mountain."
"No. I'm fine. I can do this." Danny squared his shoulders resolutely. Bruce nodded and opened the door. Sitting on the couch was a young man covered in bandages and bandaids, he looked around 20 years old and was extremely fit.
"Hey. I'm Dick, nice to meet you Danny." Danny hesitantly waved to him.
"And this is Alfred. He's the butler and basically a father to me." Danny gave the kindly old man a small smile.
"What would you like for lunch Master Daniel?" Danny spaced out for awhile, remembering the other person to call him Daniel. He wondered what happened to Vlad, was he even still alive? "Master Daniel?" Danny snapped out of it and looked at him.
"Oh uh sorry. I don't mind what I eat. Whatever everyone else is having is fine sir." Alfred smiled at the young boy.
"There is absolutely no reason to call me sir Daniel. How about some of my famous chicken noodle soup? It will be easy on your stomach." Danny nodded, looking around and saw that Tim and Dick were sitting on the couch talking when he noticed that Dick was wincing whenever he moved. He quietly walked up to them.
"Um excuse me." Danny was looking at the floor quickly flicking his eyes up at Dick.
"What's up Danny?" Dick smiled easily at him.
"I just noticed that you were um wincing when you moved and um I was wondering if you had some um broken ribs." Dick smiled again.
"Yeah I do. But don't worry about it. I've had worse before." Danny gathered up his courage and looked Dick straight in his eyes.
"I can help. Can you lift up your shirt? If you want of course." Danny looked scared that Dick would get mad at him.
"Sure kid." He lifted up his shirt to reveal a huge bruise on his sided and various scars across his torso. Danny quietly walked up to him and carefully put his hands over the nasty bruise. He closed his eyes in concentration before slowly ice started creeping from his hands onto Dick's side, soothing the pain. Dick and Tim stared at Danny with wide eyes.
"Ok there, it won't give you frostbite and I put some of my healing ability in it so it'll help heal your ribs. It'll melt off after it's healed." Dick and Tim smiled at him.
"That was amazing Danny!"
"Yeah! I've never seen something like that before!" Danny blushed heavily at the praise.
"Young masters lunch is ready," Alfred informed them. They all got up to go to the dining room with Danny trailing behind.
After lunch they sat around lounging watching TV and talking. They were interrupted by the doorbell, Bruce's eyebrows scrunched up.
"That's odd. I wasn't planning on having anyone come over. Boys?" Tim and Dick both shook their heads no. Danny's eyes went wide as his ghost sense went off. He quickly went ghost, ready for a fight.
"I'm going to go check it out invisible. I think that it's a ghost."
"Danny wait. We'll all go, I don't want you getting hurt. I'll open the door to see who it is. You can stand behind me invisible." Bruce said.  Danny nodded. They all walked into the entry hall where Bruce opened the door. There standing on the front porch was a man in his thirties with long silver hair tied back in a ponytail wearing a beautiful black suit. Danny suddenly went visible.
"Vlad?" Vlad's eyes went wide.
"Daniel? I thought they killed you. Oh little badger, I was so distraught." He rushed over to Danny and hugged him. "When they said they were calling the GIW I tried to warn you but the shield was up and I wasn't able to get through as my human side. I'm so sorry little badger." Danny looked confused.
"What do you mean? Who called them?" Vlad suddenly looked much older than his thirty three years.
"Your parents Daniel." Danny started shaking.
"You're lying. The GIW killed them to get to me. That's what you always do. You lie!" Vlad couldn't make himself look Danny in the eye.
"Daniel I'm so sorry but they're not dead. They work there. It was all an experiment to see how you would react. I'm so sorry."
"What about Jazz? No matter what she always supported me. There's no way she would do anything like that!" Vlad looked even more haggard at that.
"Daniel. Jazz, isn't here. Her death was real. She refused to go along with their plan. She fought back and they killed her. I'm so sorry." Danny finally started to believe it and started sobbing. Bruce who was frozen until just now quickly snapped out of his shock and swooped down to hold the shaking boy, whispering small nothings to try to sooth the boy. He walked out of the room with Danny in his arms and went to his room. He gently set Danny down before laying next to him and holding him once again. They stayed like that till Danny fell asleep an hour later. Bruce didn't dare move from his spot lest he wake the small boy.
Alright there that is. Sorry that it wasn't out sooner. School is starting soon so I'm kinda stressed.

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