Chapter 5

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Hey y'all sorry about the inconsistent updates. I'm currently sitting in the er waiting for my mom to get back from X-ray so I've got time. Enjoy
Standing there in the middle of the living room stood a 12-foot Grecian woman. Danny groggily stared up at her.
"Pandora? W'ah are you 'in'g h're?" Danny slurred. The team started at Danny in alarm at how hard it is for him to speak.
"Oh Phantom. I am so sorry that I couldn't save you sooner. They had the entire building shielded against ghosts." Pandora looked very upset as she crouched down to be closer to Danny.
"It's ok"
"It's not but that is not why I am here today. Phantom when a ghost, is away from the ghost zone for a long period of time they start to deteriorate. They start becoming malevolent and tired, their ectoplasm starts turning black. They slowly become less consistent of their actions and they are even know to unwittingly kill humans." Everyone stared at Pandora in amazement. "Phantom I will need to bring you back to the ghost zone with me if you are to survive. Will you come with me?" Danny nodded the team stared before realizing that he was leaving.
"Wait. Will he be ok? How long will he have to stay there?" Robin walked over to look up at Pandora.
"Yes young man, Phantom will be fine. He will be treated like the prince he is. He will probably be there for a couple of weeks. I will make sure that he is safe so rest easy friend. Phantom is very fortunate to have such a wonderful friend. We must go now, we will explain everything when he gets back. Goodbye." Pandora gave one last smile down at Robin before disappearing through a hole with Danny. They all watched him go sadly.
Pandora took Danny to Far Frozen to get him checked over by Frostbite. When Danny saw Frostbite he ran into his arms and gave him a massive hug.
"O Great One! I have missed you dearly. We all were frantically trying to find a way to get you out of there. I am sorry that we were not successful." Frostbite cradled Danny in his arms.
"It's ok Frostbite. It isn't your fault. I know that you all tried, all that matters now is that I'm alive. I'm so glad to see you. You're like a father to me." Danny stared up at Frostbite with droopy eyes that have seen far too much pain and suffering.
"Let's get you inside and give you a checkup. We want you to be in peak physical and mental condition my son." Danny nodded and let Frostbite carry him into the infirmary. Frostbite ran various tests, it all lasting about an hour. "Well Great one, it seems that you are healing at a good rate and your ectoplasmic energy is already recharging. You should be good to go in about a week. Until then you must rest and make sure to eat regularly to aid in the healing process. I will bring you to your room now." Frostbite picked up Danny and brought him to a lavishly decorated room with fur hides as blankets. Frostbite carefully laid Danny down in the bed and tucked him in before softly closing the door behind him. It was some of the most peaceful rest Danny had gotten since before he was kidnapped.
Hey y'all I'm super sorry that it's been so long. I've been going through a lot of shit lately. My mom is doing much better now. I unfortunately am not. I'm struggling a lot with my mental health. I've been doing some unsafe things and my mom recently found out so it's been tough to stop doing it. Just want y'all to know that I love ya and stay safe out there.

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