Inconvienient date part 1

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Jennifer's POV:

Few hours later..

*knock knock*

"That MUST be leah! I'll get it" I said.

Then I hurried to open the door.

"HI!!" Leah looked as surprised as if she had just won the lottery.

I murmured "heeeeeyyy" in a pleasant but also sarcastic voice.

Harry walked over to the door and gave Leah a hug.

I couldn't help but get a little jealous. I feel like the third wheel in this situation.

After their hug which seemed like went on forever, Leah turned her eyes back to me and asked: "Jen, when did you arrive? what made you come?"

I was lost for words. I couldn't tell her that I came all the way here to New Orleans just for Harry. So, I said the first lie that I could think of "Well... Because I wanted to see you! Duh!" I forced a smile.

Don't get me wrong I love Leah but something in me just feels like I don't. That's probably my jealousy.

"Aw that's supaaa sweet, love you too" Leah got my sarcasm and replied in a enthusiastic way.

Harry then spoke: "Okay, ladies.. How about we go to dinner, I don't know about you guys but I'm starving. We can go to this really great restaurant "The Chamberlay" it's like a few minutes from here. As a appreciation because we're all here together.. It's on me"

Leah and I smiled big.

"Okay yay! " Leah did a little dance on the spot.

I rolled my eyes.

We went outside and to Harry's car. Harry held the door open for Leah.

She blushed.

Well.. I guess I'll be the one left alone this whole dinner. I feel like cancelling already.

"Are you coming?" Harry said while quickly realizing that he forgot to hold the door for me.

Harry's driving. Leah's in the passenger seat beside him and I'm the one in the back seat alone; again.

Harry and Leah kept talking and talking, the whole ride to the restaurant and I'm just sitting back wondering when I can go back home. I checked my phone the entire time so that I didn't seem desperate.

We arrived and I shifted my eyes to Harry.

"THIS is where we're eating?" I said in the most shocked voice.

Harry paused and I can tell he thought I didn't like it. "Why, do you like it?" He said.

I just nodded.

Leah then interrupted "HoneyBoo, if I knew we were coming here I would've wore something more appropriate."

Harry replied "No, you look fine!".

Leah was wearing this floral top with skinny jeans. I thought she looked alright but as for me.. I was wearing an old cardigan with track pants.

I was so nervous, and so unprepared for this. Harry totally forgot about OUR date. He asked ME out just before Leah came and I was planning on getting prepared but now he doesn't even care.

We walked our way to the restaurant and I could tell this is one of the most fanciest restaurants I've ever seen.

There was a big beautiful decorated waterfall in the front. The restaurant had amazing dimmed lights that look that much better at the night around 7.

Harry said the sweetest thing ever right before we entered.

He said "I hope you ladies have a magnificent time."

When we entered the restaurant the waiter escorted is right to our table. The staff is incredible here.

When we came to our table, we realized there was only two chairs. This restaurant is for dates. Not three people.

I knew how this would end up.

"What are we going to do?" Leah said.

"I don't know, who wants to go sit at the other table? Or should we go to another restaurant" Harry said.

No, Don't be ridiculous I'll go sit at the other table. You guys can sit here together" I smiled.

"Are you sure?" Harry looked upset.

I insisted.

So Harry and Leah sat down together and I sat down by myself on another table seat.

Love Will Find It's Way (Chapter 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن