2 - Training Begins Now

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The Pirate crew trudges away from their empty Pirate ship at dawn, making their way to the mountain, the top holding what should be the remains of their old monastery.

The Pirate ship was empty because The Overlord had taken the working crew captive.

They arrived at the base of the mountain and Kai was already waiting. He wore Wu's rice hat and held Wu's bamboo staff in his hand.

"Today you have two tasks. The first is to reach the top of the mountain."

"That's easy!" Lloyd exclaimed.

"It's harder than it looks." Kai said. Then, he walked behind the mountain. They all followed.

"You will be climbing up this route." Kai told them, pointing to the underside of the mountain. They all were shocked.

"Why would you do this to us?!" Jay shouted at him.

"Because Sensei Wu made me do it when I first arrived. You will too." Kai explained. He then put a hand on the cliff.

"Now start climbing."

-TimeSkip two hours-

After the 3rd time Kai has lapsed them they finally made it to the top.

To be met with the doors of the monastery.

"The Monastery?!" Jay shouts.

"But it was burnt down!" Nya exclaimed.

"When you protect other, they help you out in your hour of need." Kai said, left eye golden.

The Pirates fell silent as Kai opened the door. The monastery looked like it did before. The paintings of the Ninja's achievements surprisingly still on the wall.

"When the monastery was rebuilt the paintings weren't included. I believed them to be necessary to the history of Ninjago so I took the liberty of repainting them myself." Kai explained.

Now that they had a clear view of Kai they noticed he was a bit different. His eyes were still amber but the left eye was rimmed with gold. His hair was hidden under a slightly singed, pale yellow, rice hat. He held a pale yellow, also slightly singed bamboo staff as well. Both of these items could be identified as Wu's.

He had a white robe on with golden swirls on the sleeves. He wore a white undershirt but still had brown shoes. He had a dusty brown, tattered cloak draped over his shoulders. The bottom of the cloak reached the middle of his back. His face still looked the same though, just without a bandaid on his temple.

"Come. Training begins now." He said. He walked inside the monastery and the Pirates followed.

They came to a training room that had a mirror running along the far end wall.

"Each of you spread out in a circle around me." He instructed, standing at the middle of the room. They did as they were told.

"Now attack me-," Kai started. They started to draw their cutlasses when Kai finished his scentence, "-with your old weapons."

"What!" They all shouted. Soon enough training copies of each of their old weapons were dropped at their feet, no swords included.

"You have got to be kidding me." Cole groaned as he picked up the scythe.

They all got to their places and Kai stood in the middle, his eyes closed.


Cole was the first to attack. He held onto the scythe with one hand but the sudden imbalance of weight made the scythe hid the ground, tripping Cole and sending him flying into the wall.

Ninjago's Most Wanted - Pirate Ninja + Kai and Wu vs The OverlordМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя