Meet Kat

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I was woken up by Maisie pouring WATER on me! Anyway my names Katie-Mae, I have grey eyes and brown skin, and dark brown hair with blue at the bottom. I don't know what happened to my mum and dad, I don't even know what they look like. I love o2l. My dream was about o2l ( durr) to be precise kian 😏.

----------AT THE PARK----------

Maisie showed me the tweet that o2l was adopted... I kinda fainted. I woke up at the adoption centre, everyone wasn't in there rooms. O2l must be here! I ran downstairs as fast as I could and sat down next to Maisie. Yes o2l was here! " Dont mess up I know you love them" Maisie whispered to me. All of o2l whispered to each other. Kian pointed at me and Trevor pointed at Maisie. We both looked at each other when they asked to 'interview' us.

Me and Maisie walked over to them we sat down at the table an they did the same. We told them what we liked to do. I told them that I like to penny board, watch youtube and do girly stuff. Me and Maisie are the same we do EVERYTHING together, well not everything. After are 'interview' we wen back and sat on the step. Miss smith told me and Maisie we both were getting adopted by o2l. We didn't say that we new who they where, so while we where sitting on the step we screamed, well I screamed as loud as I could. We both ran upstairs to pack.

" I can't believe this is happening getting adopted by o2 freaking L"

"Okay Kat calm down Maisie kept saying"

* knock knock*

Kian walk into our room.

" do you girls want any help packing"

" no thanks" I say while putting my last item of clothing in my bag,of course is was an o2l jumper. " I'm done"

" me too" Maisie said.

We didn't really have any friends at the adoption centre, there just annoying little kids.

~~~~~at the o2l house~~~~~

Me and Maisie stare in awe, this place was huge. JC and Connor were waving there hands in front of our faces.

" follow us to your rooms" JC said

" we have our own rooms" me and Maisie asked in excitement

" yeah didn't you have your own rooms in your old home"

" haha home" I laugh.

I'm more of the naughty one between us.

" what's she trying to say is no we didn't have our own rooms"

I walk into my room with out Maisie it's amazing MY WHOLE ROOM IS PURPLE, my fave colour. PURPLE BED, PURPLE WALLS, PURPLE CARPET, PURPLE EVERYTHING.

I ran into Maisie's room to see it was pink everything.

By this time all of O2l was in Maisie's room.

" how did you know our fave colours" I say

" because we do" kian said with a smirk.

I ran downstairs and into the garden to see there was a pool. I looked at Maisie and then the boys then at Maisie again. I ran behind her and pushed her into the freezing cold pool.

I ran be hind ricky to protect me. Next thing I know Maisie's chaining after me, I run inside and into my room and onto the roof. I can jump off the roof into the pool. By this time Maisie was right behind me, there was only one thing I could do was to jump. All I hear is Maisie screaming no. I land in the pool and jump out and run around. Everyone is now looking at me wired. I stop and look at them. " what I'm cold" I say and start running around.

Thanks for reading.

Love you guys

-Kat xxxx

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