Chapter 10: Gloomy With A Chance Of Tears

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This was it.

My world was over.

They forgot. My parents had forgotten me.

*Earlier that day*

"Mom." I smiled as her face came into view from behind the door.

She was as beautiful as I could remember. She had left out her natural hair, putting it up in a bun and her face was bare of makeup but she was still so beautiful.

"We've been waiting for you." She said, her voice a bit annoyed as her eyes raked over my body.

I rushed over to her and wrapped my arms around her, feeling at ease for the first time in weeks.

It felt like I had never left.

"Let's go in, everyone is waiting for you." She said and I nodded, letting her go.

I was overjoyed. I had missed my family so much and I couldn't wait to see their faces for the first time in a long time.

I followed mom into the huge and sophisticated looking house. It was strange how similar it was to our house back in Nigeria. It was no surprise though as my mom never liked change. She had probably tried her best to make it feel like our Nigerian home.

We walked through the hallway and ended in the living room which was larger than our old one but still as beautiful, if not more.

There was no one here but the TV was turned on and had some foreign movie playing.

"Have a seat while I go call the others." Mom instructed and although I wanted to speak, I nodded instead. The reunion would've been much better if my dad and brothers were here.

I grinned while waiting, excited to be back home finally. All my worries had disappeared and I didn't care if the world had forgotten about me. As long as I still had my family, I was going to be okay.

About five minutes had passed when mom came back into the living room with Ty and Kenny —those were the nicknames the twins, Taiwo and Kehinde had given themselves.

"Ty! Kenny!" I rushed up to the twins, wrapping my arms around them. "I missed you guys so much!"

I spotted my dad walk up to us with a skeptical look on his face and I let go of the twins, running up to him and attacking him with a hug.

"Daddy!" I couldn't stop myself from crying but this time, they were tears of joy. I had my family back finally. I'd lived so long without them and I never wanted to again.

"Young lady." He called but I wasn't listening to him. He never liked hugs but I didn't care at the moment. "She's crying.
Why is she crying?" I heard him ask in a low voice.

"Taiwo, what is wrong with your fiancée?" Mom questioned in a hushed voice and I froze.

"Fiancée? That's not my fiancée." Taiwo replied and my heart started to hammer in my chest.

No! No! This couldn't be happening again.

"What!? Then, who is she?" My dad yelled and I jumped back, away from him.

My entire family stared at me with frightened looks and my heart broke into a million pieces.

"Young lady, who are you?" That question shattered me completely.

"Dad, it's me. Your little girl." I replied and he glanced at my mom who shook her head with wide eyes.

"I thought she was Taiwo's fiancée, that's why I let her in." Mom said.

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