Chapter 11: A Glitch In The Program

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I heard a knock on the door but I couldn't have been bothered to answer. I doubted I could even speak if I wanted to or even move for that matter.

I had been laying in bed, staring at the ceiling for God knows how long. I had no thoughts in my head whatsoever and I felt numb all over. I had no will or strength to get out of bed, I had no appetite for food, I had no interest in talking to anyone. I couldn't seem to fall asleep, I couldn't cry, I couldn't scream, I couldn't seem to do anything, nor did I want to. How was I supposed to go on with my life when I had realized that I technically didn't exist in this world? I was like a glitch in the program called life. How was I supposed to deal with any of this? How was any of this even possible?

"Nicole, please open up." I heard Luke's voice call softly from outside the door. "I'm really worried about you. You've been in there for over a day without food or water."

I had been in here for over a day? It had felt like an eternity but it had also felt like no time had passed at all.

"Nicole, please!" Luke knocked on the door once again. "Just let me know you're okay!"

I could hear Luke speak but I couldn't speak a word back to him. It felt like my brain had shut down, like my whole body had shut down and the sound of my heartbeat and breathing were the only indications that I was somewhat still alive.

"Dammit, Nicole! I'll break down the door if you don't answer me!" Luke called loudly but I couldn't have been bothered to move. I just wanted to be left alone with myself.

Luke left moments later and I drifted into my dreams shortly after. It was the only place where life was normal for me. I had Harrison and I had my family and friends. I was happy.

"Harry, where are we going?" I chuckled as I stretched out my arms in front of me, trying to feel my way through wherever it is I was. I had been blindfolded for the past twenty minutes as Harrison drove me to the surprise he had planned. He didn't give me a hint of what it was but he had said he had been planning it for a very long time.

I had tried to guess what the surprise could have been but Harrison had said I was far from it each time.

As soon as the car came to a stop, Harrison helped me out and lead me slowly and carefully towards our destination. I could tell I was walking on a cemented surface from how hard the ground had been but that was all I could figure out. There were no smells or scents that indicated we were at a restaurant and it was quiet as well, like, there was no one nearby.

"Are you ready?" Harrison asked, bringing us to a stop and I nodded as a big grin formed on my face. My heart was pounding in excitement and anticipation and I couldn't wait to see what the surprise was.


A moment later, the blindfold came off and bright light streamed into my eyes, causing me to squint until they had accommodated the light from the sun. I focused my eyes before me and was welcomed by the sight of a familiar looking duplex.

It was a cream colored house with floor to ceiling refractive glass doors on both floors.

"Is this—" I was completely lost for words. I glanced at Harrison with tear filled eyes and he wrapped his arms around me.

"You like it?" He asked as he placed a kiss on the top of my head.

Was he kidding? I absolutely loved it. This had been my dream house. It had been the house I had dreamed of moving into after I got married and here it was right in front of me.

"I love it!" I glanced up at him with a huge smile on my face. Harrison and I were really getting married and this was going to be our home. It seemed like a dream but if it was, I never wanted to wake up.


I opened my eyes as the soothing sounds of the piano floated into my ears, calming my nerves. Piano symphonies had always helped me relax whenever I was stressed out and this time was no different.

The melodies were like a gentle breeze blowing through a field of flowers, asking me to dance along. I found myself on my feet and gravitating closer to the beautiful melody, humming along with the familiar tone.

The living room was completely dark and I couldn't see a thing yet somehow the symphony seemed to light up the room. I couldn't help but wonder where everyone was though. Surely, someone must have put on the music.

I made a move to look for the light switch but before I could take a step forward, the room was flooded with beautiful little yellow lights. They had looked like magical little fireflies twinkling all around the room and my jaw dropped in awe. I had never seen anything so beautiful. Had this been a dream? It seemed too good to be true.

I had still been taking it all in when the living room lights came on dimly but bright enough to make out Luke who was standing in a chef's uniform at the other end of the room. Somehow, he looked unreal, like a dream with a smile.

"Luke, what is all this?" I asked, glancing around the room. I had only just noticed that the sofas had been removed and a dinning table filled with several trays had been placed at the center of the living room with flower petals decorated all around it.

"Do you like it?" He asked as he walked towards the table. He pulled back a chair and gestured for me to have a seat.

"What's the occasion?" I asked as I proceeded to take a seat and Luke simply shrugged.

"I thought the living room could use a makeover." He slid my chair back towards the table as I sat down.

"So, you took out all the furniture?"

"Who needs furniture when you've got pretty lights." He moved over to the side of the table and uncovered the first dish. It was a bowl of catfish pepper soup. "I present your entrée, milady."

"Luke, what is all this?" It was odd that I woke up to beautiful music, magical decorations and a lovely looking dinner. Why had Luke put all this together? Where were Hope and Michael anyway?

"Hope, Michael and I wanted to do something nice for you. It's been quite a week, hasn't it?"

Suddenly, I was reminded of the reality that was my life. My face dropped and I slouched in my seat.

"Don't do that!" Luke called my attention and I glanced up at him. "Don't think about anything just enjoy your dinner. Hope and Michael just stepped out to grab some wine. We didn't think you be up so soon." He said, rubbing the nape of his neck.

I glanced around the living room once more and a smile tugged at my lips. It was nice what the three of them had done for me. They barely even knew me but they had put in a lot of effort into cheering me up. They had taken me into their home and they had even helped me in finding my family. I had been so down in my slump that I had forgotten to be grateful to them.

"Thank you." I gave Luke a grateful smile and he smiled back at me. It was a refreshing smile that seemed to cool down the entire room.

"Okay! We got the wine! It's time to wake Nicole up!" Hope and Michael walked in with paper bags in hand.

"We got a lot more than wine, thanks to someone." Michael said, shaking his head at Hope and she giggled.

"It would have been a wasted trip if we just grabbed one item. I was killing two birds with a stone. You're welcome."

"Nicole! You're up!" Michael seemed to be the first to notice me and Hope's head snapped around immediately, searching for me in the dim lighting.

"Oh no! Did Luke wake you up? I told him to be quiet!" She glared at her brother as she approached us.

"He didn't wake me up. The music did." I corrected. "Thank you all for this. I didn't know just how much I needed it."

"It's no problem at all. We're all here for you, sweetie. Don't forget that." Hope wrapped her arms around me.

In that moment, life didn't feel so bad. As it turned out, I wasn't alone after all.

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