But drinking only wakes you up at ten

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Brian Firkus's PoV
I spent time dwelling on everything that happened when I heard the name Brian McCook come from a quiet feminine voice and then a rougher more tired voice from presumably a nurse say "you cannot see him yet but you are free to wait in that area over there." I look up and see a petite woman with short white grey hair with a worried expression hurrying towards me with her arms outstretched I'm not a hugger but in this moment of worry and concern for Brian I engulfed her into an embrace. I let tears fall from my eyes and weep softly when we separate from our hug I see a man standing behind pat who resembles Brian's features but more mature and also has a concerned look on his face which I assume is Brian's father. I hold my hand out to him to shake it. He shakes my hand firmly gives a weak smile and says "hi I'm Brian's father Robert it's nice to meet you" "it's nice to meet you too I just wish it was under better circumstances" I manage a small smile and then explain to them what Brian's doctor told me. From what I understand Brian is now stable but he's still in the I.C.U we the sit there and exchange pleasantries I ask about Brian's siblings and if they are coming to visit to which pat replied "Brian's sister is going to try and fly in and his brothers may get here tomorrow it all depends on work" as I sat and had a conversation with Pat and Robert I couldn't help but think about what started this I can't get my head around why Brian would do this.

The doctor approached us and said that Brian's vitals are stable for now and there is no guarantee that he will wake up it is completely up to him. This hurts my heart because I don't know if he will ever make that decision.

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