Peculiarity under the rainy night

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MAMORI WOKE UP, she felt her arms going numb by her sleeping position. She stretched her limbs and yawned, then she looked at her wrist watch...

"Oh my God!" it's past eight o'clock and she's sure she just missed her schedule for the day.

Mamori is a busy teenage girl and she's also independent. She live on an average apartment on her own, although it was her parents who's paying for her rent, it is still a hussle living alone.

She quickly stood up and a blaser fell off from her back. She picked it up from the floor and the blaser smelled like Hiruma.

"Am I dreaming or I actually slept earlier with his blaser on?" Mamori asked herself and smiled. She must be dreaming, but it all seems so real.

That demon have a sweet side after all. But her smile faded when she realized something.

"N-No way! He saw me off guard! Damn! He must have taken a bunch of pictures for his threat collections when I was slee—" she rushed to the mirror to check if the demon drew something on her face, and good thing he didn't.

"Phew. I thought he drew something hilarious on my face again and took a picture of me sleeping." Momori said. Eventually, she decided to call it a day. Before leaving the office, Mamori turned off Hiruma's laptop.

"Oh my God! I forgot to give him his laptop back! Damn, now he won't be able to read all my reports tonight. Hayssttt, I'm pretty sure he'll yell at me again tomorrow." the manager took the laptop with her, she decided to keep it with her and give it to the quarterback as soon as possible, tomorrow first thing in the morning.

Mamori turned all the lights off and made sure she locked the club room before walking off. Her apartment is just a few blocks away from their school campus. She was still sleepy and tired, maybe she'll skip dinner for now and just take a good rest.

She opened her door's apartment with her key but all her senses went up when she saw a pair of shoes on her doorway.

'Who the hell just barged-in in my apartment? And how the heck did this person actually manage to get in?' she ask herself.

She always makes sure she locks her apartment before leaving and she's pretty sure the door was locked before she opened it.

Mamori slowly took off her shoes and grabbed her baseball bat from the corner to make sure she could defend herself, in case this person tries to attack her. She slowly entered the living room but no one's there. Then she smelled something very delicious lingering on the place and the scent is coming from her kitchen.

"Wait, what dumb person would actually barge in into someone else's house and go cooking in the kitchen?" she asked to herself.

She slowly head to the kitchen, she walked through the dinning room first before she reached the doorway to her kitchen, and hid behind the wall next to the doorway.

'Okay, I'm not scared. I'm not scared!' she thought to herself, trying to compose her self, because she's well aware she's totally scared right now.

This have never happened to her ever since for crying out loud! Eventually, as soon as she got all the strength and courage she needed, she went inside her kitchen while holding her baseball bat to surprise the tresspasser.


"Welcome home." the quarterback answered who's attention is focused to whatever he's cooking.

"Don't 'welcome home' me as if this is just a normal set up for you. You scared me! What are you doing in my apartment?! And how did you get in???" Mamori asked.

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