Someone's Empressed and worried

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RIGHT AFTER CLASS DISMISSAL, the Devil Bats football team rushed to their club room to change into their practice clothes for their afternoon practice.

Mamori on the other hand were already on the club room, specifically in the office before anyone did.

She made sure she filled all the needed information so Hiruma won't need to work much on the paperworks and just focus on the practice.

"Oy, f*cking manager. What are you doing with my laptop?" the quarterback asked as soon as he entered their office.

"I'm putting all the important files in one place, sort some videos from our previous matches, edited a couple of practice tapes from our upcoming match, sited some strategic counterattack that may come in handy for future matches and also I just got some new practice videos of the Ojo White Knights." the manager answered without even bothering to look up at the quarterback.

"Ohh? Look who's trying to impress someone." the quarterback said with his annoying playful tone and went straight beside the manager to take a look at her work.

"Ehh? It's not like that. This is my work, remember? And what made you think of that in the first place? Don't tell me, you're actually impressed." the manager defended with a good counter attack while smirking.

"As if. You can do whatever you want, but your half baked efforts wont ever impress me, f*cking manager." the quarterback replied while still wearing his natural demonic smile.

"Hmpp! Just go out there on the field and let me do my job. I'll catch up with you as soon as I finish this." Mamori said and pointed the door.

She can't seem to concentrate if the demon is beside her, like who wouldn't? They always end up arguing everytime because the damn quarterback always opposes her, and not to mention it's undescribable stubborness to begin with.

"Quit telling me what to do, f*cking manager." the quarterback said and prepared to leave, until Mamori's phone suddenly rang.

"Yes, hello?" the manager asked as she answered her call.


As the quarterback heard the name, he stopped from taking another step and immediately looked back to his manager while the manager was starring at him with complete shock at the same time.

He mouthed "HANG THE F*CK UP!"

And it seems like the manager got his message, even though it's kinda impossible. But the two's connection from one another is probably what made it all possible even though they always disagree with one another.

"Umm, you see Agon, I'm currently working right now so it's pretty hectic over here. Call you later, bye!" the manager said almost panicking but she did a good job nevertheless.

"Call him later? For what?!" the quarterback asked and went back straight to the manager and grabbed her phone.

"Well duh, what do you expect me to say? And hey! Give me back my phone!" the manager said and stood up to reach for her phone, but aside from the table between them that's been keeping her from grabbing her own phone, the quarterback was blessed with long limbs so she wont stand a chance reaching it even without the table.

"Tsk. That guy." the quarterback stated not minding his manager's pleas and attempts to get her phone back.

"Wait, what the heck do you think you're doing?" the manager asked.

"We're taking out your sim card. This will become useless. And this could lead to a great leakage of all our game plans. I'll buy you a new f*cking one so quit yacking, f*cking manager!" the quarterback said as he successfully took out the manager's sim card, then broke them into two pieces and put them on the flaming fire place.

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