Mamori, Hiruma's greatest foe

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MORNING CAME and before the class could even start, all the Devil bats football team are already sweating from their vigorous practices.

Their classes starts at 8 am, so they have two hours to practice before classes start, and Hiruma would never waste time nor chances. That's how bad he wanted to train everyone in the team.

Mamori on the other hand is  sitting at the bench while carefully observing everyone and records all their improvements and sorted all their mistakes.

She's wearing a thick jacket made of wool to make sure she's not cold. Across the football field, she saw Sena—eyeshield 21 doing his routine.

Sena's assignment for today is to practice his speed by doing 40 meter dash and making sure he's always at his top speed, that means Sena has been running in a lighspeed now for almost an hour and a half.

Mamori could not help but be worried to her childhood friend whom she treated as her younger brother since she could even remember.

On the other hand, Kurita, Komusubi, the Ha-Ha brothers—Jumonji, Kuroki and Togano are practicing on building their blocks as unpenetrable as possible.

The Deimon Devil Bats football team are known to be the most offensive (most of their tactics is to charge instead of defending) team throughout the Kanto region because they put all their efforts on their offenses. So this time, Hiruma assigned them a new way of practicing, and right now they're blocking up againsts a bulldozer.

As crazy as it sounds like but that's just how Hiruma manages his team, he literally brought hell towards everyone every practice sessions.

Mamori saw how many times the linemen failed but they didn't stopped from trying. This is the Devil bats football team after all.

Giving up is never an option to them.

On the other hand, Taki is practicing his bump together with Yukimitsu. This two is very opposite to one another.

Taki is very confident to himself but fails terribly at doing his task, while Yukimitsu is always uncertain whether he could actually make a great contribution to the team or not but end up giving the team more than just enough help anyways.

While on the opposite side of the field, there's Musashi practicing his kick.

He's now trying to accomplish a perfect kick in which he should kick the ball all through out from the field 60 yard away from the goal.

Musashi's kicks are always rampaging without a 100% accuracy but despite that, he didn't miss a single kick in every game. That's why he's called as the 60 yard Magnum.

Well, that's the title that Hiruma gave him. Which reminds her that all the devil bat's special moves are named by Hiruma, and all of them sounds terrifying and just completely unhumane just like Hiruma's entirety.

Then finally, at the other corner of the field there's Hiruma. He wasnt lying yesterday when he said he'll make Monta practice 10 times harder than everyone else.

Every time Monta misses to catch a single pass, he'll double the ball with the help of the football passing machine.

"JUMP HIGHER F*CKING BUTT MONKEY! JUMP HIGHER!!!" she can even hear him screaming from across the field.

Everyone is doing their best...but Mamori knew who's the most exhausted among everyone else.

Hiruma is not just practicing passing balls to Monta every single day, he also leads the group, he give each one of them the most suited assignments for them to improve what they are lacking, he makes sure to make everything possible just to make his team stronger, after every practices he would browse all the videos that Mamori have sorted out to come up with a bunch of game plan strategies to all their matches.

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