2. red glasses

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Soft; but also ticklish.

A sneeze was what woke me up, better described a cat. The felines' tale swept across my face until I was forced up. "Alright, " I muttered sleepily. "I'm up." I pushed myself forward, my hands pressing against the cushion of the bay window. I must have fallen asleep while writing.

A yawn escaped from my mouth before I jumped down. Papers littered the floor. Words jumbled together in a mess, so much for me keeping this room clean. My focus was torn when I caught the smell of eggs being fried and bacon being sizzled.

"Ryan honey," My grandma called, tapping on my door twice. "You up?"

"Mhm." I pulled open the already semi cracked door. "That hairball over their woke me up, " My eyes darted at the tomcat who was busy rolling around in my mess of papers.

"Ah, old Tom's the best alarm clock we got." My grandma chuckled. "Well, foods ready when you are hun."


I followed my grandma out to the kitchen and took a seat beside my grandfather who was busy reading the morning paper. "Those kids are at it again Taryn." He pointed to some article.

"Gah the town folks are gonna have to learn to let em be, they ain't hurting nobody." A plate was sat down in front of me. "The worlds a changing, people can either get on board with it or learn to keep it to themselves."

"What's going on?" I piped in, struggling to keep the food in my mouth.

"Oh nothing dear, just some kids who were writin things on a blog and the town didn't like it."

"What was it about?"

"Same-sex expression." My grandfather blurted out.

I almost choked on my eggs. "Oh?"

"People have no business what they're into. Neither does that ol' paper." She snatched away the paper from his hands and crumpled it up.

I made sure to shovel the food faster in my mouth. Sorry that I
asked. "Well, I think in gonna head out after breakfast. Look around some, try to get some writing in today."

"That's a good idea son." My grandfather got up from his seat before kissing my grandma and setting his plate in the sink. "I'm off to sell some greens. Love y'all."

That left me and my grandma to clean up after breakfast. She shooed me away shortly after we started.


I walked for about fifteen minutes until I came upon a pound. The water was so clear that the reflections of all the trees were perfectly shown like a gigantic mirror. There was a sidewalk path that bent around surrounding the lake. A few kids were riding their bikes, chasing the wind as it seemed.

I walked closer to the pond where there was a great weeping willow. The branches were so long, they dipped in the lake. Perfect for shade, tan skin didn't look good on me. It was rather windy outside so I decided my laptop would probably be better for jotting notes today instead of the standard pen a pad.

My finger slid across the keys quickly until my focus was torn by the sound of laughter.

"Nic! My God no she's obviously gay."

I turned my gaze towards the voices to see a girl with golden hair mixed around dark strands that waved down to her waist. Her skin was pale and littered with tinny dots. Her eyes stuck out the most, an intense blue that just pulled you in. She was wearing a white t-shirt that went down to her knees and blue jeans that sagged. She was beautiful; anyone could see that.

A man accompanied her, looked about the same age as me, maybe younger. He was tall, taller than me. His hair was a mess, brown and flopped over. He was skinny but brode and had these red glasses that I couldn't quite describe. Well actually they were hideous but on him, they seemed to fit somehow. His lashes were longer than the branches on this tree and his laugh was intoxicating.

"Okay well maybe, " The girl, I presumed was named Nic started. "But she just looked so disgusted when I asked her out."

The boy pulled out a camera, "Nah she just looked scared. Happens to the best of us you know? Okay go by the lake and look like your concentrating. I want them to feel your thoughts."

The girl did what he said, I hear a few clicks of the camera. "Perfect!"

"I'll start on the blog when I get home." Nic made her way back to him. "Think well piss them off as much as we did last time?"

"Nah we're gonna piss them off more."

I guess I was being too obvious because Nic nudged the guy glancing over at me. "Hey bro!" The guy made his way over and sat next to me. "You knew here?"

"Uh visiting." I mustered, shutting my laptop before he could see anything I was writing.

"Well welcome or welcome back, my names Brendon, I'm kinda hated here but whatever." He stuck out his hand.

"Oh? My name's  Ryan." My hand met his and he shook it violently.  

"That chick over there?" He pointed to the girl. "That's Nicole, she's an idiot."

"Don't describe yourself now," Nicole smirked and strutted herself over towards us.

"Gah shut it."

I wondered if they were the kids my grandpa mentioned in the paper today but decided against asking.

"So Ryan, what brings you to the park this fine morning."

"Just some writing."

"You write? Nicole over here does too."

"Yeah, it's my major actually. You guys out of school yet?"

"I still got a year, but Brendon's out."

"Yep, freeman and the only thing I got is my camera." Brendon sighed. "It's great and all but I'm not really sure if that's what I want to do with my life."

"Photography is beautiful." I noted, "If you have a gift you should use it."

"That's what we've been doing. Trying to spread awareness but all we get is a kick in the gut saying the way we feel is wrong."

"What is it you guys are trying to spread awareness for?"

"The gays, I mean it's 2009 you think people would be more opt to change by now but I guess not."

So they were the kids in the paper. "A lot of people wouldn't stick up for what they believe in so I think that it's awesome that you guys are."

"A lot of people wouldn't so it's glad to have some support." He smiled at me and grabbed a pen that was set next to me. He grabbed my hand and wrote some numbers on it. "That's my number, call it if you ever need support with something."

Before I could say anything he left me sitting at the lake smiley mess.

Day two
Red glasses look good on brown-haired boys with goofy smiles.

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