Dad's Finds out!!!

Start from the beginning

" Josephine, I have come to tell you as you know I didn't like Trevor hanging with horses I thought it made him look weak and more like a girl than a man, and you know that I hit him once because of it and also cause it was partly fault of my drinking problem, and you probably hate me because of it since he is your boyfriend and I can tell you two are madly in love with each other, But I want you to know I was wrong for all that I did, Trevor can come  hang and be involved with horses all he wants and I support him on it, and I also want you to know that I will never hit my son ever again ever" Mr. Miller said , I breath a sigh of relief good I can breath again knowing that Trevor and I will always be together.

"Well thank you Mr. Miller, and I want you to know that horses are not just for girls they are for all genders boys and girls, but shouldn't you be telling Trevor your son this instead of me?" I said/asked he smiled again I gaped at him wow second time today. "I did and he said he wanted me to come and tell you this, so that you wouldn't hate my guts as he put it, and so he brought me here to tell you this" Mr. Miller said I nodded in understanding. "Well, thank you for that, I'm glad you have realized your mistakes, Mr. Miller" I said he smiled. "I am to and please Josephine your my sons girlfriend and knowing the way you two look at each other ya'll will get married so what I am saying is your part of the family now so call me Greg" He said I blushed bright red, and smiled that I  am now accepted by all of his family. "Well okay Greg.." I trailed off testing his name on my tongue, it felt weird I don't even call his mom by her name well that is till last month when she told me well actually threatened me if I didn't stop calling her Mrs. Miller she'd take Trevor away from me of course it was jokingly but you best believe I started calling her by her name.

"Um okay Greg, well since I can call you Greg call me Josie Josephine is so long" I say sticking my hand out he chuckled and took my hand in his large one but instead of shaking he pulled me into a bone crushing hug, I gasped in shock but lightly hugged back this is weird its like he's a different person or something. "Like i said Josie your part of our family now and family hugs" He said as he let me go I bit my lip nervously and stepped back over to Trevor he wrapped his arm around my waist. "Oh well yeah okay" I said nervously Mr. Mil..I mean Greg smiles gently before looking at his watch. "Well I must be going, goodbye Josie and by the way your horse is very pretty, have fun you two" He says waving then he walked over to his black SUV and got in driving away down the road, I relaxed my muscles once he was out of sight and breath a sigh gosh that was nerve racking, don't get me wrong I'm glad he came and talked to me and that he has finally accepted me into his family as Trevor's girlfriend but I hope to never go through that again, it was way to nerve racking and stressful, I turned to Trevor he smiled.

"You could of warned me he was coming there is a such thing as texting you know" I exclaimed he looked at me apologetically and guiltily. "Sorry Josie" He said guiltily, I sigh and calm myself back down and shrugged my shoulders. "Its fine Trevor its over now thank goodness" I breath a sigh he takes my hands and turns me to face him, I look up into his gorgeous blue eyes and get lost in them, he seems to get lost in mine too, I don't know why mine are just plain old boring brown, I always kinda wondered what made Trevor pick me out of all the other girls I'm nothing special brown wavy original hair, brown plain eyes, my skin is boring kinda palish but kinda tan at the same time, and its not like my body is spectacular either average sized actually I'm kinda skinny, so why did he pick me maybe it was my personality cause that's honestly is the only interesting thing about me that and my interests and passion for horses... but either way I'm glad he did pick me cause I wouldn't have it any other way cause I love Trevor with all my heart...

I was snapped out of my thoughts when soft warm lips press themselves to my lips, I didn't even realize he was leaning in to kiss me I must of been really consumed in my thoughts, I Immediately kiss him back reaching my hands up to tangle them in his hair he wrapped his arms around my waist bringing me closer to him, we moved our lips in sync with each others, fireworks shooting all throughout our bodies, he licked my bottom lip for entrance which I granted his tongue explored my mouth and mine his, we pulled away out of breath and leaned our foreheads on each others.

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