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Abigail was sure she had woken up in hell. There was nothing but black, inky darkness. In the distance she could hear terrified screeches mixed with maniacal cackles.

"HELPS ME! HELPS ME, PLEASE!" Abigail recognized the screams as Toki's. She tried to bring herself to her feet, but realized she had been shackled by the arms and legs to a pole. She also realized she was naked. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she could make out a figure watching her.

"W-who are you!?" Her throat was dry. She was so afraid she could barely get the words out. "What is this? Why are you doing this?" Just then a light clicked on blinding her. She shielded her eyes from the harsh flourescent.

"Open your eyes" a nasally voice commanded. Abigail slowly blinked until her sight cleared.

"Magnus Hammersmith" she gasped. "What is going on? Why did you take me? What are you doing to Toki-ah!" He slapped her hard in the mouth.

"Don't worry about Toki. So you're Nathan Explosion's new fling?"

"I'm not Nathan Explosion's anything" Abigail said.

"That's exactly right. Because now, now you're mine" Magnus looked at his prisoner hungrily.

"I'm not yours or anyone else's!" Abigail protested. Magnus firmly gripped her throat. He towered over her. Her knees ached from kneeling on cold concrete. She felt his grip tighten. Her heart was in her throat. His hand got tighter and tighter around her neck. "Please" she choked. He didn't let up. She felt her breathing fade as he clenched. She looked into his one good eye, wide with rage. He kept his eye locked with hers until eventually her vision went blurry and she blacked out.

When Abigail came to she noticed that she was somewhere soft and warm. She prayed she had been rescued. Her hopes were dashed when she realized that she had been relocated, this time to a bedroom. Her arms and legs were tied to the bed posts. She felt the sensation of a tongue flicking around her clitoris and realized with horror what was going on. She thrashed as much as she could, desperately trying to break the thick mahogany headboard. She screamed against the rag shoved in her mouth hoping someone might come to her rescue.

"Oh good. You're awake" Magnus said between her legs. "Lay back and enjoy this. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to make you feel good"

"Abigail?" Charles gently shook the producer's shoulder. "Abigail, did you hear what I said?" She looked around the boardroom table. The band sat stone faced, except for Toki. He softly cried into Skwisgaar's shoulder.

"He's dead" She said quietly.

"Good fucking riddance" Nathan grumbled.

"Abigail, Toki, I imagine you have some, ah, complicated feelings, this happening so soon before sentencing and all-"

"No" Abigail interrupted. "He's dead. That's good"

"Well, either way, Roy and I agree that it might be best if you and Toki start therapy to help process-"

"I don't need to process anything!" Abigail shouted. "He's dead! We're finally free! Thank fucking God!" She jumped to her feet and walked out, slamming the door behind her. Toki flinched at the noise.

"How did it happen?" Nathan asked with a sigh.

"A couple of his prison guards were hardcore Dethklok fans, and well, they wanted revenge"

"They beats hims to death" Skwisgaar said flatly.

"Let's send them a thank you gift" Murderface said sarcastically.

Let Me Come Home ■ Metalocalypse Where stories live. Discover now