Our Deal

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It had been three months since Delilah had chosen to stay with her cousin and the band in Mordhaus. She was still adjusting to the constant chaos. She was used to assistants, but there was a constant unease around the klokateers. She knew many of them met grisly, untimely demises. Ontop of the klokateers, the presence of the patch-work chef, Jean Pierre, sent chills up her spine. She always suspected that Will was underplaying the destruction Dethklok left in their wake, she just never knew by how much.

Since their fight, Delilah had been avoiding Skwisgaar as much as possible. It wasn't hard. The place was so vast she could hide out in the places she knew Skwisgaar never went. Mainly the gym. She was channeling her frustrations into three hours of cycling a day. She had lost all of her pregnancy weight plus fifteen pounds. She still wasn't satisfied with her body. She never was. She missed being pregnant, having a reason to take care of herself. Her tan skin had never been clearer or more radiant. More importantly, she had never been happier. She wound down her speed on the exercise bike as she neared the end of her third hour.  She was taken a bit by surprise as Nathan entered the gym and took a spot near her by the free weights.

"Hey" he greeted.

"Hey. I didn't know you were working out again" she panted.

"I usually work out later. I started again when were training for the rescue" he began pumping a thirty pound weight. Delilah was impressed by his new figure. He was still husky but his abs were becoming more noticeable even under his shirt. His biceps had become more defined.

"Will told me yous were the ones who saved them. Why didn't you have the klokateers do it?"

"They were fighting off the Revengancers. Skwisgaar was the one who found Toki and Abby. We snuck out while they were still fighting" He continued to lift weights quietly. Delilah stopped pedaling and dismounted the bike. She swayed slighty, grabbing the handlebar for support. "You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I just got lightheaded for a minute" Delilah replied breathlessly.

"You need to eat"

She rolled her eyes. "I do eat"

"Having a salad a day ain't eating"

"I'm just trying to lose my pregnancy weight"

Nathan raised his eyebrows. She had gotten considerably thinner since she had moved in. Her once full thighs no longer rubbed together. He could see her ribs on her bare midriff.  Her breasts were still large, but were shrinking. "It looks like you already have"

Delilah said nothing as she left the gym. She walked towards the sauna hoping that she would be able to steam alone. Much to her chagrin, Pickles, Toki, and Skwisgaar were there.

"Care to join us?" Pickles offered. She had already gotten undressed and was wrapped in a towel. She figured there was no point in leaving. She took a seat on the bench and let the hot steam relax her. Skwisgaar stared at the floor with guilty eyes. Toki's demeanor turned cold. Delilah realized that Skwisgaar had a type; muscular with facial hair. The Norwegian was equally as beautiful as Chris had been, and she hated it.

"I ament's seens much of you" Skwisgaar said hollowly.

"I've been around" Delilah said in a cool voice.

"Yer lookin' good" Pickles commented. "You been workin' out?"

"Every day" she replied.

The drummer glanced at her prominent collar bones then to Skwisgaar. "Yer gettin' skinnier than him." Delilah was starting to grow tired of the comments on her body.

"Probablys because she ament's eats" Toki muttered. Skwisgaar swatted his shoulder.

"Don'ts be rudes"

"I ament's beings rudes. It's true"

"Okay" Delilah said flatly. "I'm gonna go"

"No, you don't gotta leave" Pickles said. "Ignore him he's bein' a douchebag"

Toki opened his mouth to protest, but was cut off by Delilah. "It's fine. I have stuff I gotta do" the three men watched her leave.

"Dood, what the hell was that?" Pickles asked Toki.

"Nothings. She's losings weights so fasts because she ament's eatings. We alls knows this"

"That ament's means you cans points it outs like thats" Skwisgaar lectured. He stood to leave. "I'ms goings to go talks to hers" he ignored Toki's dramatic huff as he walked out of the sauna. He tracked her down to the kitchen where she was pouring herself a glass of wine. "I'ms sorry he was beings a dildos"

"Don't apologize for him" She popped two blue pills and washed them down with the wine. "Does he comment on your weight?"

He looked to the floor. "I ament's... doings that anymores"

"Oh. Well, good. That's good" there was an awkward silence. "What's his issue with me, anyway?" Delilah asked finally.

"He sees yous as havings a romantics rivalries. I tolds him that ament's the deals"

"Did you tell him what our deal is?"

"Ja, he knows"

"Then why is he acting like a jealous boyfriend?" Skwisgaar became visibly uncomfortable when she said the word boyfriend.

"I thinks he's scareds of me leavings. I thinks he's havings abandonment issues"

Delilah's face softened. "I get that. I can understand that" she stepped closer to Skwisgaar and held her arms out for a hug. He wrapped himself into his best friend. It was as if a huge weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. "I'm sorry I was such a bitch to you"

"You don'ts has to be sorrys. I'ms sorrys I mades you feels whats ams abandoned" they squeezed each other tighter.

"You don't have to be sorry"

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