Sound and Color

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William woke to the smell of bacon, eggs, hashbrowns and toast. He opened his eyes to a hot plate of his favorite breakfast presented on a silver tray. A pot of coffee sat on his cluttered bedside table along with a note. "Happy birthday Will! Love, Delilah" He smiled, pleased that his cousin would go through the effort of making him breakfast in bed. He always dreaded his birthday. He was repulsed by aging, resentful that he couldn't avoid it. In that moment he would put his resentment aside and enjoy his meal.

Usually for his birthday he would have some sort of lavish party. Either renting out a night club, once an entire island, and indulge in all of the booze and drugs his money could buy. This year he just wanted to spend time with his cousin. He saw her downstairs on the couch with the others watching T.V.

"Today, Dethklok bassist William Murderface celebrates his thirty-third birthday in a different fashion than in the past. No wild parties for this man. A Dethklok insider has told us he plans to spend a quiet night at home with his new roommate and maternal cousin, Delilah Gutierrez-Delanco. The Murdercousins have stayed under the radar since the tragic passing of Delilah's husband, Chris, and her devestating miscarriage-"

Nathan changed the channel. He saw the glint in her eye signaling her pain. The two had been getting closer since they had started working out together regularly. Murderface was glad to see his cousin adjusting well to his home and getting along with his bandmates. Even Toki was starting to warm up to her.

"Happy birthday, Will" Delilah greeted. "How'd you like breakfast?"

"It was delicious" he replied. "It feels good to be appreciated by someone in this house for once"

"We appreciate you" Nathan argued. "We got you all that history crap that one year, all those weird torture devices..." Nathan trailed off, trying to think of other things they've given the basist. "Look, we've done a lot of shit for you and we don't mind having you around so do with that what you will"

"So whats do you has planneds for todays?" Skwisgaar asked. He plucked away at his guitar practicing scale after scale.

"Well I'm glad you asked!" Murderface beamed. "Remember how I invested in that medical marijuana farm in California?" Pickles' attention was turned from the cartoon he was watching to the bassist. "Well, they sent me a huge bag of pot, and on the down low, twenty sheets of acid" Pickles', along with the rest of the band's, eyes went wide. "That's right, you dildo lickers, we're gonna trip balls!" The five men cheered and high fived.

"I think I'm gonna sit it out" Delilah said unenthused.

"Aww, c'mon Del. It'll be fun"

"I don't know if I'm in the right frame of mind"

"Ifs you starts to goes into a bads trips I cans talks you downs froms it" Skwisgaar volunteered. All five members of Dethklok stared at her with pleading eyes. She bit her lip, weighing the pros and cons.

"I guess it might help?"

Murderface laid out all of his paraphernalia on the coffee table. Pickles took the liberty of packing a bowl in the shape of an elephant. Murderface took one large hit and choked on the smoke in his throat. After his coughing fit he placed four tabs of the LSD on his tongue. The others followed, smoking and ingesting. The bowl was passed to Delilah, who took a long drag. She exhaled slowly. Whatever it was that Murderface had it was potent. As she exhaled the familiar wave of THC washed over her.

"Shit, that is some good stuff" she was feeling giggly already. She leaned back against the couch relaxing into the high.

"You should try the acid" Pickles said in a dreamy voice. Delilah hesitated. She wanted the acid, and it might have provided some much needed relief from her misery. With shaky hands she took two tabs and let them dissolve on her tongue.

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