Hatching Plans

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*as everypony is setting up for the festival Cozy, Comfy, Chrysalis, Metamorphosis, Tirek and Tirana are all hiding*

Tirek- *annoyed* Why are so many ponies up in the middle of the night?

Cozy- *annoyed* Its that silly sun holiday.

Chrysalis- *annoyed* How many holidays do you ponies have? *sighs* No matter, getting into the castle won't be a problem.

Tirana- *points* Are you sure about that?

*they all look up to see the giant fans*

Metamorphosis- *admits* Those are new...but even so...

*Chrysalis and Metamorphosis turns into royal guards smirking sinisterly*

*at the Castle entrance*

Chrysalis/Metamorphosis- *easily walks past the guards and tries to go in but they can't open the door* *to the guards* Transfer, we have to get inside, open up

Pegasus Guards- *looks at each other*

Unicorn Female Guard- *walks up and presses her badge against the door and walks inside*

Chrysalis/Metamorphosis- *try to follow but the door closes and they try to use their badges but it doesn't work* *nervously to the guards* Do your's get glitchy too? *the two leave* Badge problems, am I right?

*meanwhile Cozy, Comfy, Tirek, and Tirana are playing chess when the two come back and transform*

Chrysalis- *glares* They've increased security into the castle

Metamorphosis- *admits* This is going to be more challenging than we thought.

*Discord and Eris teleport the Mane 5, Colt 5, and Spike and Barbra in the same alley*

*the six hide*

Rainbow- *to Discord and Eris* Could you guys not go popping us up all over the place please

Discord- *scoffs*  Time is of the essence!

Eris- *in a cheerleading uniform* *with pom poms* Go Team!

Fluttershy- *smiles* We need to know what we're doing before we go and do it.

AJ- *reads* *looks at Pinkie and Bubble* Pinkie, Bubble, you two, Applejack and I are given Braeburn, Bailey and the Appleoosan ponies some adjustments to the menu.

Pinkie/Bubble/Applejack- *nods*

Rainbow- Fluttershy, Butterscotch, Blitz and I are meeting the pegasi from Cloudsdale to give them changes to the weather.

Fluttershy/Blitz/Butterscotch- *nods*

Elusive- Spike, Barbra, Rarity and I are going to update the flaming sky firework unicorn troop with Twilight and Dusk's new vision.

Eris- *reads* And Discord and I are supposed to...make sure Discord and Eris doesn't do anything...discordy.

Discord- *annoyed* Well that's annoyingly specific...

*they all walk off to start their jobs as the six come from their hiding places*

Tirana- *annoyed* Increased security on a crowded holiday with Twilight, Dusk, and their friends bumbling around.

Tirek- *admits* This is impossible.

Chrysalis- *smirks* This is perfect! We need a distraction and those ridiculous ponies just gave it to us!

Metamorphosis- *slyly* Trust us, when it comes to events these ponies tend to get easily distracted. Now listen closely!

*the two whispers in their ears and they all grin evilly but fail to notice two pairs of glowing eyes with red pupils sinisterly watching them*

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